Links of the Day

Man, I haven’t done this in a while. Must mean there hasn’t been anything in the blogosphere worth reading for a week or so. Actually, I’ve been really busy plus I just got HDTV, so I haven’t been able to do as much reading as I used to. Anyhoo…
Empire of Man demonstrates how to generate traffic for someone.
Joshua Ferguson analyzes what the new bin Laden tape could mean for us. He also mentions me. I like it when people mention me.
Dustbury explains why the bull must be killed in bullfighting and who, surprisingly, is to blame.
Finally, Bigwig has a new Carnival of the Vanities up.
Enjoy and God bless.

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  1. I use you in conversation all the time just for your history of the Guns, these things I believe, and your comment on Rachel Lucas’ site ‘Fingerpring Saudi’s, not Ballistics’.
    If it’s a good idea I’ll pass it along to those I know and always give credit where it’s due.
    Okay, I’m done Ego-Stroking for now. Back to bitching on my own.

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