Links of the Day

Kim du Toit’s gratuitous gun pic today is of the Skorpion (the Klobb for those who played Goldeneye for the N64). This gun is a bit of a sore subject for me. The lobby scene in The Matrix was one of the greatest pieces of art ever made – nearly perfect except for one part. You see Neo clearly firing two Skorpions, but then they cut to his feet and you see rifle casings hitting the ground. I know it’s a virtual world, but a Skorpion firing rifle rounds? Come on!
Michele, The Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry Blogger, fell for an internet hoax (a really good one). The complaint about the Real Ultimate Power site causing violence does seem credible, though, because I visited that webpage a while ago and it got me so pumped I nearly kicked my mom in the face. It was totally sweet.
Speaking of humor sites, Joanne Jacobs pointed out this one. Sally and Johnny are white, yet black people totally love them. It’s crazy!
I haven’t complained about us not attacking Iraq for over a day now, so instead go to Empire of Man for a quick rant.
The Carnival of the Vanities is up.

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  1. maybe it was a hack-job gun, chambered like the FN Five-seveN? 😉 (now that would be sweet)
    Or maybe, they just scattered a bunch of casings, like they do in the minigun scene – some times there are links, in other shots only shell casings without the links. If you look closely, you can also notice that in some sequences, the casings coming from the minigun are from blanks, and in other shots they started life as live rounds 😉
    Heh, special effects. consisting of a dude dropping a bunch of brass on the floor.
    Look closely at the casing that comes from the Agent’s Desert Eagle in the “pointblank .50AE to the boiler-room and Neo doesn’t die immediately” scene – it’s a blank.
    sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

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