The Best Solutions Are the Simplest Ones

North Korea has declared the 1994 agreement “void” since we have cut off shipments of fuel oil to them since they violated the 1994 agreement by making nuclear weapons because they thought we were mean to them.
Just nuke them.
Come on, why the hell should America have to deal with this crap? We got nukes, so let’s use them. We have more important things to deal with than diplomacy with a dictatorship that makes four year olds look like rational actors. And it’s not like we’re going to miss all of North Korea’s excellent exports. Actually, the more I think about it, there isn’t one good reason not to nuke them. They’re potentially volatile and of no use to us, so they are the perfect candidate for a nuclear strike. Plus, we already have nukes, so it won’t cost us a thing. If other countries don’t like our assertive foreign policy approach, Bush can blame it on them.
“I wanted to come up with a diplomatic solution, but you people are always making fun of the way I speak and I just got too nervous to talk with North Korea. Only option left was a tactical nuclear strike… did I say ‘nuclear’ right?”
And, if they really start complaining, we can remind those weren’t our only nukes.

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