Anti-War Protestors Destroy the Image of America… And It’s Our Fault

I just read this article about idiotic war protestors, including that letter signed by celebrities (i.e., signed by people much dumber than the average America), but, instead of wanting to condemn (i.e., punch) these protestors, I started wondering how did we, those who aren’t whiny bitches, fail America? Sure, these protesting buffoons have every right to drool their brainless message in a public forum, but we should have created an atmosphere where they are too scared to exercise their freedom to jabber like monkeys. Intimidation certainly is the right of the real American, but it’s one that doesn’t seem to have been used too well as of late. Where have we gone wrong? Maybe the American bully, whose job it is to beat the pacifism out of people at an early age, has been turned soft by years of touchy-feely-ism. I also blame the media who actually seems to encourage these mentally special activists to make sounds with their throats as if to mimic speech. But, principally, I blame us, the hawks.
There is plenty to fear about us; we’re armed, violent, and mean. Also, our tolerance of stupidity is surprisingly low. What we need is to get more people to realize how fearsome and violent we are. This can be done in large ways such as having a march in Washington to celebrate war, or in small ways such as kicking a puppy in front of others and then laughing. We just need all the pansies out there to constantly remember that we hawks are the true rulers of this country, and, when we want war, we get war– and we will harm anyone who gets in our way. Then all those mushy-headed pacifists will cower silently, hoping that we won’t turn on them as soon as we run out of evil countries to annihilate. Finally, only one voice will come out of America, a voice that constantly demands the destruction of our enemies. All evil people out there will see one people united behind its hunger for blood. Then the will fear us, and at last the warmongering image America has fought so hard and so violently for will be preserved.