I Also Hate Hippies

Ariel Sharon said his government had been secretly negotiating with Palestinians other than Yasser Arafat, but an Arafat aide has said that’s not true. So now we’re left with the hard task of deciding who to believe. On one hand, we have the leader of a civilized, democratic country (and one of the few that isn’t filled with whiny little bitches) versus the dictator of a violent uncivilized country who don’t seem to understand that murder is wrong and like to wear table cloths on their heads. So, I’m thinking I trust Sharon.
Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re now saying: “Hey, Frank, you stupid bigot, how can you judge people based on their opinion of murder. That’s cultural bias, you ignorant, narrow-minded jerk.”
Fine. Whatever. So I don’t trust Arafat due to my sever bigotry against terrorists. I’ll admit it; I don’t like them, and I don’t want them near me and my family. If terrorists started living into my neighborhood; I’d move. I certainly don’t want my sister marrying one. Know what? I’m even for rounding them all up and killing them. Yeah, I’m for terrorist-icide, and I’m not ashamed. We’ve got a tradition in this world of not murdering innocent people, and I’m for preserving it. You can denounce me all you want, but those are my values.
So, if Sharon, a nice non-terrorist, says something and then Arafat, a dirty terrorist, contradicts him, my response would be, “I believe you Arafat.” Then, soon as he drops his guard, I shoot him in the head. And, frankly, I think that should be the response of any civilized person.

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  1. Ah, so this is what has become of America. A lone gunman[MM], and a sad sad man[you Frank].
    Hell, I’m sure many of us wouldn’t mind going out killing all we thought should die. Ever seen Boondock Saints? No, watch it sometime.
    We don’t have a tradition in this world of not murdering innocent people. We have a tradition in this world of murdering those with ideologies different than ours. And even if they did do wrong, we still kill innocents. In any major war, that blood of the thousands has been spilt for no real reason. Evil has not been vanquished. Neo-nazis (WWII), communists(Vietnam and Cold War), Catholics (Spanish Inquistion… wasn’t a war but people died). This new “war on terrorism” will never be resolved. Humankind is too varied and narrowminded to ever be united by a common bond. Other than that we are all working towards our own demise and assured destruction.
    Yea, next time i see someone doing something horrible to someone else, I’m gonna shoot him in the head. That’s what a civilized person would do right?

  2. My only question is: considering how many times Arafat has lied in the past, why bother listening to him at all?
    When he gets within range, shoot him. Then shoot him again. And again. Then dance around his corpse, singing “Joy to the world” (seeing as it’s Christmas).

  3. My next door neighbour is a hippy,he spends every sunny weekend grinding down the frame of some old housetruck he is ( but never will complete) building. I can’t enjoy my nice back yard without noise pollution. Strangely enough he’s quiet during the week, yet am sure he does not have a job. There is also the fact that he smokes a lot of pot, the residue of which (smoke) wafts over to my property, annoying me, my wife and our 2 impressionable teenagers.
    He looks a lot like Yasser Arrafat. I’d really like to shoot him but the “nanny state” will take my gun license away. Anny suggestions would be greatly apprieciated. Aren’t you glad you didn’t emigrate to NZ Kim?

  4. Oh, and Mike: You’re off to a good start, but if it’s late at night you might want to consider gutting him like a fish or, if you don’t want to get close, shooting him with a crossbow or something. I mean, there might be people around who need a good night’s sleep, after all.

  5. Hi! I have searched for a bunch of ignorant, timid, yet feisty little bitch boys who don’t have the guts to leave the house…much less inflict physical harm on anyone-and this is what I got!

  6. I hate Madonna, stupid hippied bitch. Nice Album she put out “American Life”, what dumb ass you own a house in England and Scottland. She says “I live the American Dream” I don’t f***ing think so. A message to her, you have live in America to live the American Dream. I am so tired of stupid hippies singers and actors putting there two cents in about the war and about Bush. I have made a sticker for the back window of my car, it says ” Do your contry a favor, smack a hippie.” I will be the first to jump at that chance.

  7. Love the writings. I say kill the Palestinians, every last one of them. I might also add that I hate hippies…lying, stinking, fithly, uncivilized scum. A pity the riot-police have so many restrictions…

  8. Hey, I’ve got news for you. Isreal kills just as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Isrealis. Only difference though is that Isreal can afford a military (which I guess makes everything perfectly justifiable), while Palestinians are forced to kill people by blowing themselves up with homemade explosives and tossing stones. As far as the Isreal vs Palestine thing goes, there is no good-guys. It’s just one giant pile of shit there, one group of people killing another group of people and vice-versa because that’s whats been going on for years. I don’t particularly have any sympathy for either side in that conflict, but I guess there’s nothing either can do.
    But I like the argument a lot of people have. Hippies suck, so anything they say is wrong. Well hell yeah, hippies suck. There’s nothing I hate more than hippies (except maybe goths, who are like hippies but want everyone to feel sorry for them because life’s unfair). They’re annoying, stupid, ignorent and hippocritical.
    Hippy: You don’t believe what I say, so you’re an ignorent bigot. To be open-minded you have to think exactly like me. (anyone else seeing the hypocrasy?)
    That doesn’t mean it’s justified to throw bombs and missiles left and right just because the hippies are protesting it. Anyways, I’m getting off topic.
    What’s going on in Isreal and Palestine, like I said, is a giant pile of shit, and I don’t feel the least bit sorry for either one of them. You can’t call Palestinians terrorists for blowing up Isrealis with suicide bombers because they’re getting killed by the Isrealis left and right and they’ve got no other means (other than rocks!) to defend themselves. No, that doesn’t make it right. And it doesn’t make it right for the Isrealis to massacre Palestinians with their rifles for it either.
    It’s hard to say at this point who started the who cycle going on there, but right now it’s a lot like 2 kids fighting in the playground.
    “He started it!”
    “No, he started it!”
    Someone just needs to come up and smack them both and say “I don’t care who started it! Both of you just cut it out right now!”

  9. Alright, it’s this simple. Killing innocent people is wrong, no matter what. Period. The majority of Palestians killing isrealis are killing people on BUSES. Not soliders or politians…they are killing women and children and hasidics going to the wall to pray…most of the time the Isrealis kill someone it’s a TERRORIST WHO IS HIDING IN A CROWN OF PEOPLE. Remember when Palestian militants hide inside the church of the nativity just because they knew that Isreal couldn’t attack due to making Christians mad. Seeing as everyone already makes up their mind who is right and who is wrong without ever listening to other argument, I will put as fairly as I can. Jews have no homeland other then what everyone’s…including the muslims…holy book promised them…but the Palestinans (or just arabsm just because other arabs puched the palestians around before Isreal came in) WERE there first…technically. So, everyone is right, and everyone is wrong.
    And as for hippies…oh yea…they all suck…riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Most aren’t REALLY smelly dirty losers. Those are only the VERY chosen few. Most “hippies” are just stupid middle clas kids trying to be cool. And they really don’t HURT anyone, do they? You just are offended that they DARE to be DIFFRENT then you. whatever…stop crying you pussies and relize that people can be diffrent and not be a threat…

  10. Wow, so stupidity lives…and obviously runs rampant through the pages of this “discussion”. Amazing how one post can actually be so stupid it hurts to read. FYI, if Israel truly was promised a homeland, why didn’t they get it by fighting for it, like long ago. Israel is just a greedy spoiled child who whined at the UN until UN finally took someone else’s land, gave it to Israel, patted it on the head and gave them more military toys and intelligence to keep him quiet. Is that enough for Israel? NO! Now they still whine, “UN!!! my brother the Palestinian is still in my room!” (even though they were sharing the room, and Israel made the UN give them half, and now they want the whole thing.) So let’s kill him for being on his territory that was unfairly given to people who never earned it, never fought for it, and never claimed it theirs with the blood of soldiers, like EVER OTHER NATION. Why is Israel the newest country? Because they couldn’t do things themselves and relied on the guilt of the past against them to get people to fight for them. And they still want others to fight their fights, fund their fights…really classy.

  11. Them hippies deserve to die, them and their so-called peace. the only peace we’re gonna get is if the hippies would just die. But what can we do. Maybe if I happen to have a gun I’d wipe out some of them. Hee hee, brilliant. The hippies will die and I shall have necrophiliacs after them.

  12. I don’t know what you guys are talking aboot. You guys are craazy. Like, I mean, come on. Come on guy guys. Hippies are peace loving people and I am offended. Actually I’m not, but I am disappointed, you guys. Like, I mean, come on. Come on guys.If any of you people want to talk to me further about this, my name is Danielle Rose and I live in Fox Creek, Alberta.Yeah, hippies rule.

  13. What should I do? I just killed someone that looks like a hippy. Does that mean it was okay for me that I killed him? Like, what that guy said, ummm what’s his name, who cares, but I agree with him. Hippies do deserve to die and so do goths.Is it still okay that I killed him? Hope so!

  14. Man my cousins a hippie. I sure do hate him. I want to kill him. Is it okay if I kill him. He has a friend that is a hippie too. the should all die with their peace loving chicken f***ers!

  15. all you guys are is a bunch of inbred muther f***ers. f*** you, f*** george bush, and f*** the military. And all you inbreds. smoke a joint you might relax. you want to kill a hippy but you support a KKK or nazi.

  16. hey satan if you would kill your cousin becaus he is a hippy you realy need to take a look at your self. maybe your the terroist. you muther f***ers are hipicriticle, idiodic, and self centered. america isnt just about rednecks.

  17. in response to that no one guy
    America is not just about rednecks it is also about texans you stupid f***
    you ball licking hippie f***er go to heaven and stay out of my hell
    all hippies must die and you, you hippie loving bastard go f*** your mom you f***ing hippie loving terroist

  18. so the argument is between the hippies and the rednecks? lets see, who do i hate more? general lee or jerry garcia? well hippies are assholes because they are smelly impractical hypocritical idiots whose ideals outweigh common sense (not unlike the catholic church) and who give a bad name to an anti-establishment lifestyle. rednecks are assholes because they are selfish close-minded, gun-toting inbreds whose solution to everything is to shoot it. we do not to blow up israel or pakistan. we need to put a large plastic lid over the whole goddamn region and wait for them to blow each other up. then civilized people who dont kill each other can harvest it for oil. thats fair to everybody. F*** REDNECKS, F*** HIPPIES ANARCHY IN AMERICA!!!!

  19. You know what hippies are good for? Absolutely nothing, that is what they are good for. Them and their Ccrrack and their cocaine, and their marijuanna. Oh yeah, them and their Dilled dough, they sure like eating that, them sick bastards. Who needs them, I sure don’t. they should be enslaved or something, ya know. They suck on their bongs like they are trying to suck the teets off the mother wolf, if ya know your Greek Mythology.KILL ALL HIPPIES, PICK UP YOUR GUNS AND KILL’EM ALL.GOD DAMN HIPPIES

  20. Quite simply, I hate hippies.Mainly because they all deserve to die. To ensure that they do die, we must get together and share weapons and ammo or we can keep our own weapons and ammo to kill the hippies. I like number 2 the most. My hippie deletion plan is awesome because it is legal. They deserve to die and those who disagree with me are mentally ill and they deserve to die, and if any of you disagree with me, I say this”GO TO HELL AND DIE”

  21. not one of you morons have single concrete answer for why you hate hippies, they dont hurt you,. you jsut hate w/o knowing why you hate, morons, at least know why you hate them, or is it you hate b/c you dont understand them?

  22. Id like to respond to a few comments made here, but first ill say this: Hippies are worthless sacks of shit. they should be hung at public sporting events during the national anthem..as to discourage potential sacks of shit..ok now that ive gotten that out of the way..here we go…
    “You can’t call Palestinians terrorists for blowing up Isrealis with suicide bombers because they’re getting killed by the Isrealis left and right and they’ve got no other means (other than rocks!) to defend themselves. No, that doesn’t make it right. And it doesn’t make it right for the Isrealis to massacre Palestinians with their rifles for it either.”
    first off yes it is terrorism…what is the purpose of one of these suicide retards? to scare them..the effect of those bombs are more psycologicaly damaging to the state of israel then anything else….and yes it is right to retaliate (again suspected terrorists and the like) when retards with bombs strapped to their chests blow up busses and restaraunts in order to murder your citizens…..and dont lay that pacifist bullshit on me.
    oh and ill give you a reason why i hate hippies…
    first off i find their drug use and promiscuity (free love..bullshit)immoral and extremely distastful. and they are peace loving fags who hate the millitary…pacifism doesnt cut it..some thigns you gotta fight for..for that asshole who said “f*** the millitary”, i cant believe youd say that and disrespect our troops, the bravest of us all. also many of them are marxists…idealistic non sense..im not fond of marx…
    “So let’s kill him for being on his territory that was unfairly given to people who never earned it, never fought for it, and never claimed it theirs with the blood of soldiers, like EVER OTHER NATION. Why is Israel the newest country? Because they couldn’t do things themselves and relied on the guilt of the past against them to get people to fight for them. And they still want others to fight their fights, fund their fights…really classy.”
    christ these people lost 12 millions of their people in nazi death camps..and plenty of iraeli blood has been spilt to the palestinians in the past…and still more die to the retards across the river…they fight their own god damn fights
    it is true that we give economic aid to them tho…good thing too..now we just need to take the muzzle off israel and let them lay into those f***ing towelheads…
    i dont care if im a bigot so shut the f*** up…dont call me narrow minded because you dont agree with me..if you did then i could say you were narrow minded cause disagree with me..works both ways…think i remembered to say everything…hmm ill never know..later
    And heres a postscript for you hippies…Drop the ganja and get a f***ing job

  23. Israel is to the Palestinians what the Nazi’s were to the Jews. There is no difference in they way that either act. For millions of years people have been shitting on the Jews. They don’t like it and yet they squeeze the life out of the palestinians. The want to fight, but its not a fair fight. They have tanks and the palestinians have rocks. They are so shit scared that t

  24. “Israel is to the Palestinians what the Nazi’s were to the Jews. There is no difference in they way that either act. For millions of years people have been shitting on the Jews. They don’t like it and yet they squeeze the life out of the palestinians. The want to fight, but its not a fair fight. They have tanks and the palestinians have rocks. They are so shit scared that t”
    hmmm no..israel didnt slaughter 12 millions palestinians in death camps without any real provokation…when the state of israel was first established the jews did not wish for war..their intentions were peaceful…the palestinians are the assholes
    another thing….only idiots fight fair fights
    …winning is all that matters…..and if its not a fair fight for the palestinians then they should stop blowing up israelis for christ’s sake! israeli has every right to retaliate..
    To hell with the palestinians…nuke them and be done with it…..
    good lord i dont know how people could be so stupid as to sympahthize with the palestinians…muslims are retards…but they are good for some things..human shields..taxi drivers..and just good for a laugh

  25. Ahhh, just drop a bomb on both of them and save the world the trouble. The real culprit is religion that spreads itself like malignant cancer. Good ole Joe Stalin had it right the first time.

  26. much ado about nothing, i think. there are some very stupid people in this world, no question. i didn’t properly realize this fact until visiting this site. an accident. the christians, muslims, buddhists, they’re all wrong. the scientologists and anyone else involved in cults… wrong. the only religion is reality. here and now. reality. you live, you die, that’s all there is to it. understand this and stop being such a bunch of whining bastards.

  27. incidentally, just because the jews have suffered gives them no right to oppress another group of people. that’s sort of like bush invading iraq and telling everyone that it was because of wmd’s when it was really about his trigger-happy republican stupidity. the palestinians were there first. israel was forced on them, and it is only natural for an oppressed people to rise up against their enemy.

  28. palestinians arent oppressed by t he israelis…they simply had to give up some of there land…they should take your advice and “stop being such a bunch of whining bastards.”..you should try it too

  29. It would seem that hippies haunt us all, they are worthless at times..no wait all the time. they smell like sand and potpourri with a slight tint of ass. If i had it my way i would hit every hippie atleast one time in the face with a shovel..I would also like to say that i agree that hippies jews and hitler all have something in common…they suck ass. Thank you for reading unless of course you are a hippie then please jump in front of a horse drawn wagon, and if your still breathing after please smash yourself in the face with a shovel..if still alive repeat thanks a bunch –Choctie

  30. i have to say that hippies are a plague on society, they do not contriubute to it at all, they are not positive, but negative members of society, allways taking, talking crap, and being hippocrits. i want to propose a few ideas that would eliminate the hippie as a class, much as stalin eliminated the kulaks
    there should be a hair tax, any male found to have hair over 4cm in length should be shot, any hair ranging between 2-4cm will incur a 50%tax on the persons income who is sporting the hair,
    all pot, acid etc etc should be laced with massive ammounts of iodine to sterilise the hippie, thus preventing procreation of more hippies,
    the hippies as an underclass of human being, if they can be so called, will have all their rights removed, no right to a fair trial, or protection from others etc, in cocerning cases of cruelty towards a hippie they shall be considered no differently to a bag of mollusks from a fishmongers
    most importantly all hippies should be shot on sight in the knee caps,captured and have their eyes poked with a hot branding iron, their skin ripped off them while they are alive, their intestines and other non vital abdominal organs pulled out while they are still conscious and finaly be killed by pouring molten iron into their ears

  31. Woaaaah…. Let’s slow the fighting here. Listen. Hippies should be shown the errors of their ways by inversing their treatment, and showing them how it feels (i.e. killing their family if they protested afgan, waiting a year and then poisining them with anthrax, take the credit cards and give them cards which will force them to buy gas at 10 dollars a gallon for a “no blood for oil” protester. Ironic punishment, basically. ISRAELIS WERE THERE FIRST! The U.N. and god both designated that as their country. They were attacked. THEY ENDED THE WAR IN 6 DAYS! The bombing bastards (palestinians) blow up people, the israelis preform the regan response: Kill the f*** out of the sons of bitches.

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