It Was a Hard Day of Work and I’m Tired of Hearing About the 9th Circuit

We’re a nation with a modicum of self-respect, so why do we let the 9th Circuit exist? All they do is make idiotic decisions to piss off decent Americans even though another court always overturns it. So why should we pay for them or even have to hear about them? Now they’ve come out and said the 2nd Amendment, which states the right to bear arms, doesn’t state a right to bear arms. That’s a head scratcher. Now, I’m assuming these judges have some special judegey education that led to their judgery, so how come they seem to fail at first-grade level reading and comprehension? I don’t know what it is with people who don’t think the 2nd Amendment doesn’t guarantee a right to bear arms; do they have a special copy of the Bill of Rights with a note before that amendment saying, “We’re going to take a break from this listing of individual rights to blather on about militias and guns. Please ignore.”? Anyway, I think that, since they are federal judges, Bush should send out federal troops to drag them out in the street and shoot them. That will teach them not to waste our time and tax money anymore. If federal troops are too busy, a militia could do it, thus demonstrating their necessity to the security of a free state. Once the 9th Circuit is gone, the news will be much less irksome… well, that is until Bill Clinton says something. Oh yeah, federal troops again.

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  1. Well of course they are special… they have a short yellow bus that picks them up at their front doors and takes them to the special entrance at the courthouse.
    The judges just love to play on the elevator on the side of the bus but the bailiff made them stop.
    I think we should take up a collection to treat them to a “Day at the Zoo”. We could rent electric wheel chairs, buy them hotdogs, sodas and baloons. Just imagine their faces lit up with big drooling smiles as they watch the monkeys play in the concrete trees.
    “Uh… No I don’t know what that monkey is doing… um… yeah… he’s scratching himself… yeah… that’s what he’s doing.”
    The thought of these special judges hand feeding bloody raw meat to the lions and tigers warms my heart. How could anyone not contribute to a fund like this?
    “It’s for the Judges”tm

  2. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!
    You sully the good name of these men and women (and transgendered folk and those who have transcendeded the white-male mandated gender roles), when you delude yourself that what you rant here matters. So what if you are citizens! Does that mean the government has a special obligation to listen to you?
    The constitution is whatever the 9th circuit SAYS it is. You got a problem with that, dirtweasels?
    And if the 9th circuit gets reversed 9-0 more than any other court in the nation, that just proves how far ahead of the curve it is. They are so far ahead of you that you can’t even see them.
    You should be so lucky that they even deign to favor you barbarians with their wisdom. They don’t put on their wigs every day and head off to court for the fun of it you know. And if they were just worried about a paycheck, they’d just be conformist and make descisions that didn’t get reversed.
    They are out there fighting for the little guy, while you sickening little guys sit back and snipe. Its enough to make me turn the hoses on you rabble.
    Just shut up and let them help you idiots. And for decency’s sake, bend over and cover your eyes when they do!

  3. A serious note: the metaproblem with the 9th Circus’ opinion was that it said the Constitution “did not grant” the right. This is of course right, but not in the way they mean in. The Constitution (and by extension the Government) does not grant rights, it guarentees them. The framers note that that rights are inalienably granted by our Creator.

  4. It has been my understanding that the Constitution recognises those inalienable rights granted by our Creator and that the Bill of Rights (and subsequent amendments) are an explicit guarantee that the government will not violate these rights.
    This may be a distinction without a difference, but then I’m no constitutional scholar.

  5. My understanding is we have our God-given rights that exist no matter what, and that the Bill of Rights is a guarantee of them (some were against the Bill of Rights because they thought by trying to list some, others would be excluded). Still, many people refer to the government as giving us rights, and I often have to watch my own speech to keep from accidentally saying the same.

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