A Few Things to Get Off My Chest

Man, that Mandela tirade pissed me off. He’s supposed to be a respected statesmen, but then he gravely insulted all of America with a bunch idiotic ramblings that make some of our peaceniks look sane. I mused how I wished the Whitehouse would respond, but the actual thing Ari Fleischer said was just some bland statement about how people think differently on these issues. I know one is supposed to be diplomatic, but I think this was cause enough for some righteous indignation. Mandela should have no respect by the U.S. after being that loony, and we, the American people, should be calling for his head.
Also, I hate the word “meme.” I can’t describe why; I just do. I’ve hated it ever since I first saw it. I tried to use it once to try and fit in with the cool blogging crowd, but then that just made me hate myself. It’s a stupid word and I hate it.
That is all.

It Takes Money to Steal Your Money

The RNC began the new year with $5 million in the bank while the Democratic Party was $106,000 in debt. Republicans don’t have trouble raising money because everyone loves them since they’re the party of “Killing the Bad People.” The kindest, honest, and most decent folks in America – the rich – especially love the Republicans and write them many checks. That’s why Jesus once said, “Blessed be the rich, because they fund the campaigns of the tax-cutters.”
The only people left who still like the Democrats, though, are their base: dumb poor people. And dumb poor people can’t send Democrats money when they need it for buying Chia Pets and “No Blood for Oil” bumper stickers. Soon the repot man is going to come to the Democrats and repossess their whines and the live pigs they feed to Ted Kennedy. We’ll probably end up seeing all the Democrat politicians out on the streets holding up signs that say, “Will demagogue for food.” And then I’ll punch the Democrat and steal his sign.

What’s My Age Again Final Results

I am now done surveying blogger ages, as I forgotten why I originally cared. Anyhoo, we have 2118 years distributed amongst 62 bloggers. That makes the official average age of a blogger to be…
(drum roll)
34.1612903225806451612903225806452 years of age.
So, that is now the super scientific (look at all the decimal places!) result of my survey. If some reporter asks you what is the average age of a warblogger is, you tell them “about 34 years of age.” And if they ask you how you know, tell them some scientific guy named Frank told you. Also, if you are blogging and are not 34 years old, now you know that you are weird.
So, contact the press agencies and spread the word. And someone tell Glenn Reynolds so he’ll link to me. I’ve been hitting record visits to my blog lately, but I want even more visits! MORE! MORE! HA HA HA HA!

Links of the Day

Eugene Volokh has a nice analysis of the issues involved with the professor who won’t write letters of recommendation for Creationists. Now, I’m a pretty religious person, but I find Creationism pretty silly (both logically and religiously). Still, the idea that one’s belief in Creationism would effect their study in medicine is pretty idiotic, and Prof. Michael Dini sounds like an asshole with a chip on his shoulder who is going out of his way to cause conflict.
Rachel Lucas has a picture of a baby brave enough to do what we all have secretly (or sometimes overtly) desired to do.
Combustible Boy has found what Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech would look like today.

In My World: Whitehouse Demands Death of “Nutjob” Mandela

Escaping from handlers, Former South African President Nelson Mandela has gone completely insane. Speaking of the U.S.’s stance on Iraq, he flailed his arms around and exclaimed, “one power with a president who has no foresight, who cannot think properly, is now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust.” He also said “if there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America” and “–Iraq produces 64 percent of the oil in the world. What Bush wants is to get hold of that oil.” (Iraq produces 5% of the world’s oil). He also accused America of racism, saying, “They do not care. Is it because the secretary-general of the United Nations is now a black man?” He then ended his tirade by kung fu fighting invisible ninjas.
Whitehouse Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was surprisingly reserved, given the circumstances. “HE’S A DEAD MAN!” he screamed at a press conference held today, “Dead, you hear me? F–king dead! No one says things like that about America and lives! No one! And I don’t care if he is a complete nutjob. There’s no excuse for that. He’s dead!!!”
“Won’t the international community be in an uproar if you assassinate Mandela?” asked a reporter.
“Ooh, the international community,” Ari Fleischer said in a mocking high-pitch voice. “F–k the international community. If other countries wanted their opinions to matter, they shouldn’t be so small and weak.”
“So you have no reservation about killing a Nobel Peace Prize winner?”
“The Nobel Peace Prize don’t make you bulletproof,” Fleischer answered, “It’s not like anyone will get angry at us when we finally kill Arafat. And I doubt there will be any protest when the car bomb that kills Jimmy Carter is traced back to us.”
“You’re going to kill a former president?” asked one reporter in disbelief.
Fleischer looked confused. “Jimmy Carter was president? Of this country? You’re s–t’n me. We have this whole electoral college thing to ensure that dumbf–ks like him can never get into the White House. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. He’s dead. Arafat’s dead. And Mandela is extra dead. He is a dead man and nothing in this universe can save him. You make sure you print that in your papers: He is a dead man and nothing can save him.”
“This is for broadcast, actually,” a reporter corrected him.
Fleischer punched him hard in the face. “Don’t f–k with me today.”
“So what do you say to Daschle’s demands for an apology?” asked another reporter.
“That slimy weasel still asking for an apology for us trashing his office?” Ari inquired.
“No, I believe he wants an apology for how you and Bush beat the crap out of him when he first came to you for an apology for the office vandalism.”
“Hey, we beat him up fair and square,” Fleischer said indignantly, “No one can walk up to us and act like a little weenie and then expect to not have his ass kicked. All foreign diplomats know this now, and so should he.”
President Bush then came running into the press conference. “Hey, Ari! I found a book of matches!” he exclaimed, “Want to go burn things?”
“Cool!” Fleischer answered and then told reporters, “No more questions,” as he quickly exited with Bush.
Helen Thomas was notably absent from the press conference. Apparently she had become confused and was outside asking inappropriately combative questions to a painting of Gerald Ford. The painting then tripped and fell on her.
In unrelated news, a number of melted Star Wars action figures were found near the White House. D.C. police say there is no evidence that the incident is terrorist related, but they will continue to investigate.

Another Day, Another Complaint About the Continued Existence of Iraq

Every morning I get up and check the news hoping to hear that Iraq is finally in flames and the war has started. But, inevitably, no such violence fills the headlines and once again I am disappointed. We know they’re evil, so why don’t we just make them dead?
I just never understood this whole inspection thing. Why the hell do we have to prove Iraq has weapons? We’re America: kind, benevolent, and in ownership of many nukes. If we saying something is so, the burden of evidence should be on someone else to disprove it. We say a country has WMD’s, then they should immediately start bombing themselves to appease us.
And there is this acting like other country’s opinions matter; why should we care what France and Germany think? France is a weenie; they’re against everything that’s moral and right. And so what if Germany is against this war? What else is new? They were against us declaring war in the 40’s too, but I think that worked out for the better.
Now we’re saying we will try to avert war by helping Saddam into exile, but I think that has some potential at least. Here are my suggestions for where to exile Saddam:
*Into an airport locker
*Bottom of the sea
*Top of the dome at Disney’s Epcot Center
*Surface of the sun
*In a crate inside that room you see at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark
*Into a volcano
*Down a trapdoor when his neck is in a noose
Or, maybe we can instead choose four nice tropical locations and exile part of him to each.
Yeah, yeah; a lot of those are more executions than exile. The other countries will probably be like, “You silly gooses, you just used exile as an excuse to murder Saddam. We’ll have to keep an eye on you.” But they better not get too angry, because we have enough firepower to exile entire countries if we get pissed.

A Democratic Response? Those Guy Are Still Around?

I didn’t watch the State of the Union Address last night, but I did see the Democratic response. Man, that had to be one of the most pathetic spectacles I’ve ever seen. While the international community and our very lives are threatened by evil, their response is:

“My grandfather came here a hundred years ago from China. Please stop thinking about all those important issues like terrorism and war and instead worry about the intricacies of a prescription drug plan. My family came from China.”

Why don’t they just roll over and die already. For all this speech accomplished, they might as well have instead had a little monkey run on stage, say, “Ooh. Ooh. I’m a monkey.” and scramble off. It now seems the kindest thing to do would be to take the Democratic Party behind the shed and blow its brains out to end its misery (and ours). Then maybe the two major parties can be a right-wing one and an ultra right-wing one, and we’ll have heated debates in Congress about what is the most painful way to kill our enemies. Then, Europe will cower in fear from us even more saying, “Oh, who are those violent Americans going to lash out against next? We should do something about… Oh no! They’re looking this way! Hide!”
Europe used to be the most powerful, but now it’s whiny, pathetic, and irrelevant… hmm, just like the Democrats.
Question of the day: If the Democrats are Europe, who is France?

Links of the Day

Carnival of the Vanities #19 is up at Ipse Dixit who somehow manages to misspell my last name.
Michele seems to get hated all the time. This time it’s by an uppity-negro. Why can’t I ever be hated?

In My World: Rumsfeld Finds Call to War Not Nearly Loud Enough

At President Bush’s State of the Union Address, he came just short of declaring war against Iraq. This seemed to displease Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who sat watching, all the while looking ready to kill everyone around him.
At a press conference afterwards, instead of the usual curtain behind Rumsfeld, there was a wall of flame. No one was sure, though, whether it was set up earlier for atmosphere or whether it simply manifested itself as a physical representation of Rumsfeld’s tremendous rage.
“Cower before me!” he yelled at the beginning of the conference. The reporters in attendance quickly complied. “The fact that we are not at war yet angers me greatly. Each time an Iraqi soldier takes a breath of air, it is an insult to all American people!”
He then grabbed one reporter by the collar and placed his luger against the guy’s head. “You look like you wish to question me!”
“Uh… when you get your war, what sort of post-war government do you plan to setup in Iraq?”
Rumsfeld stared him in the eyes for a short while. He then dropped him and said, “I have decided that instead of killing you, I will answer the question. There will be no post-war government; everyone will have perished. Next question.”
“What are your reactions to Saddam’s alleged plans to burn his oil fields?” asked another reporter timidly.
“WHAT!” Rumsfeld shouted angrily, causing the flames behind him to leap higher into the air. “Burning those oil fields was to be MY pleasure! What idea of mine is he going to steal next? Is he going to blow up his military complexes? Kill his soldiers with cluster bombs? Shoot himself in the head from a thousand yards?”
After a moments silence, a reporter bravely stepped forward. “We have reports that you and a group of mercenaries sneaked into both France and Germany and then set bombs on a number of their landmarks. Are you going to ask for a ransom, or are you just saving their destruction for a special occasion?”
“I’m not going to stand here and answer questions about my personal life,” Rumsfeld answered curtly.
“Why do you want to harm France and Germany?” piped in one reporter, “Don’t you understand that their just trying to bravely stand against America’s imperial impulses?”
Rumsfeld just stared at the man for a moment. “My God, am I going to hurt you,” he finally said and then rolled up his sleeves. “My doctor says I need more aerobic exercise, so I’m going to give you a head start.”
The reporter took the hint and started running. “This press conference is over,” Rumsfeld announced before giving chase.
In unrelated news, another reporter was found dead, an apparent victim of the “Rumsfeld Strangler”. This time the strangler left a new calling card, a Polaroid of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld strangling the victim with the message, “Here’s me, Donald Rumsfeld, strangling this guy,” written on it. Police profilers say the culprit is probably a nineteen-year-old Latino woman. D.C. police said they will not investigate, though, because “murderers are scary.”

Better Than Coffee

This is a flash film (w/sound) of some cool optical illusions. Don’t go see them. You’ve been warned.

What’s My Age Again Update II

Yay! I learned how to use a spreadsheet today!
Anyway, current total is 1600 years distributed amongst 48 bloggers. That makes the average age… so how do I make the spreadsheet do an average… ah funk dat, I’ll just use the calculator.
The average age is 33 and a third. That’s down from yesterday, but if I’m blogging until I’m “average age,” that will be ten more years of posts under my belt. I thought people your age were scared of them new-fangled computers?
I’m just kidding!
That was fun. Maybe we can do a survey of some other blogger characteristic later. Anyway, they’re running Smallville (it’s targeted at my age group) versus the State of the Union address, so someone tell me if anything world ending happens or if we finally start bombing Iraq.
Rumsfeld tomorrow.

Links of the Day

Rachel has a conversation with assclown George Clooney.
Kim du Toit takes a look at S&W’s new 1911.
Joanne Jacobs discusses what really determines children’s educational opportunities.
Jamie McDonald breaks rules one and two.

Frank Advice for Universities

Duke Univeristy has invited Laura Whitehorn to speak on campus, originally billing her as a “political prisoner” even though she was in prison for the “political statement “of bombing the U.S. Capitol. And then the people who invited her acted so surprised at the controversy, because college professors are the dumbest people on God’s green earth. Even a four-year-old would understand that a terrorist should be hung instead of being asked to talk, but that’s beyond college professors. This is just yet another example of the total idiocy that comes from our universities, as it’s like the a mangy dog is better equipped to understand the real world than the people who run college campuses. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a college professor who had come up with some high-falutin reason why trees don’t actually exist and thus keeps walking into them.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so much a problem if colleges were just a place to isolate this stupidity – somewhere they can protect their precious idiocy that would be torn to shreds by the world outside – but the problem is they like to spread their dumb ideas to the students. College kids usually have a low protein diet of nothing but Ramen noodles and thus are highly susceptible to brain washing. I myself did all right because I had an engineering major which didn’t leave me time for being stupid, but all the philosophy and arts majors are not so lucky. Sure, most will grow out of the stupid ideas when they start having to pay taxes, but, for some, the idiocy they learn in college destroys them forever.
We’ve let this go on to long. There is no reason that people who teach history and English have to lack the common sense of the average muskrat. First thing we need to do is to storm the colleges and remove the liberal professors. They can probably be trained to do simple tasks such as sweep floors and test the effectiveness of pepper sprays. Also, they can be fitted with shock collars to “teach” them if they ever try to talk about politics. Some may say that is cruel, to which I say, “Yeah, that’s the point.”
Next, we can find good professors to take their places. People who love America, hate terrorists, want all Commies to be dead, and like to use guns to shoot bad people. New student standards can be set that will expel a student for being “too much of a hippy.” Also, there can be a new mandatory class that all students must take that teaches them why America kicks ass. It can be taught by an angry Marine who will savagely beat anyone who says something bad about the ‘ole U.S. of A. This will be an especially good class for foreign students.
Let’s get to it. Our country’s educational future depends on it.

What’s My Age Again Update

With 19 blogger participants (including me) there are a total of 690 years between us. The youngest blogger is Bill Whittle, who is almost eleven, and the oldest is Andrea Harris, who is eleventy-one (a very respectable age for a blogger).
Seriously, though, the average age for a warblogger (or, more accurately, the average age for a warblogger who read my blog in the past day and cared to admit his or her age) is about 36.31. Wow, that’s old! Maybe I should stop making references to hip young things like color TV’s and touch tone phones and instead make jokes you people could better relate to, such as rants about drinking Ensure or how inconvenient it is to break one’s hip.
Just kidding!
Anyway, the important thing is that I found out the majority of bloggers aren’t single women in their early twenties like I hoped. Oh well. If you are a blogger who would still like to contribute to this scientific survey, post to the comments. Don’t bother if your age is 36.31, because that won’t change the average.
NOTE: Don’t just post your age if you don’t fill out the URL space with your blog address. This is supposed to be a survey of bloggers, so I need to confirm you have one. Otherwise, this will have no scientific validty, and all my scientist peers will beat me up and call me names.

Links of the Day

Bill Whittle, who’s almost eleven, has written an essay on both the horrors and necessity of war that’s a must read. Go check it out.
Laurence Simon has a poll on the root causes of the Slammer worm. I blame “kids these days.”
Speaking of Laurence Simon, John Hawkins has tried out the meme (isn’t she Drew Carey’s arch-nemesis?) that he made popular.
Loretta and the Tooth Fairy conspire to cheat her daughter out of a dollar. For shame.
Bare feet make Chaos Overlord angry. Chaos Overlord smash!