A Few Things to Get Off My Chest

Man, that Mandela tirade pissed me off. He’s supposed to be a respected statesmen, but then he gravely insulted all of America with a bunch idiotic ramblings that make some of our peaceniks look sane. I mused how I wished the Whitehouse would respond, but the actual thing Ari Fleischer said was just some bland statement about how people think differently on these issues. I know one is supposed to be diplomatic, but I think this was cause enough for some righteous indignation. Mandela should have no respect by the U.S. after being that loony, and we, the American people, should be calling for his head.
Also, I hate the word “meme.” I can’t describe why; I just do. I’ve hated it ever since I first saw it. I tried to use it once to try and fit in with the cool blogging crowd, but then that just made me hate myself. It’s a stupid word and I hate it.
That is all.

It Takes Money to Steal Your Money

The RNC began the new year with $5 million in the bank while the Democratic Party was $106,000 in debt. Republicans don’t have trouble raising money because everyone loves them since they’re the party of “Killing the Bad People.” The kindest, honest, and most decent folks in America – the rich – especially love the Republicans and write them many checks. That’s why Jesus once said, “Blessed be the rich, because they fund the campaigns of the tax-cutters.”
The only people left who still like the Democrats, though, are their base: dumb poor people. And dumb poor people can’t send Democrats money when they need it for buying Chia Pets and “No Blood for Oil” bumper stickers. Soon the repot man is going to come to the Democrats and repossess their whines and the live pigs they feed to Ted Kennedy. We’ll probably end up seeing all the Democrat politicians out on the streets holding up signs that say, “Will demagogue for food.” And then I’ll punch the Democrat and steal his sign.