A Democratic Response? Those Guy Are Still Around?

I didn’t watch the State of the Union Address last night, but I did see the Democratic response. Man, that had to be one of the most pathetic spectacles I’ve ever seen. While the international community and our very lives are threatened by evil, their response is:

“My grandfather came here a hundred years ago from China. Please stop thinking about all those important issues like terrorism and war and instead worry about the intricacies of a prescription drug plan. My family came from China.”

Why don’t they just roll over and die already. For all this speech accomplished, they might as well have instead had a little monkey run on stage, say, “Ooh. Ooh. I’m a monkey.” and scramble off. It now seems the kindest thing to do would be to take the Democratic Party behind the shed and blow its brains out to end its misery (and ours). Then maybe the two major parties can be a right-wing one and an ultra right-wing one, and we’ll have heated debates in Congress about what is the most painful way to kill our enemies. Then, Europe will cower in fear from us even more saying, “Oh, who are those violent Americans going to lash out against next? We should do something about… Oh no! They’re looking this way! Hide!”
Europe used to be the most powerful, but now it’s whiny, pathetic, and irrelevant… hmm, just like the Democrats.
Question of the day: If the Democrats are Europe, who is France?

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  1. I think france would have to be a combination of pelosi (socialist views) kennedy (enjoys drinking) hillary (just had to add her because everyone hates her as much as the french) jesse jackson (double speak all the time) and finally daschle (because his views are just as bad as the french)

  2. Too easy. Jim Jeffords. The GOP helped him get elected mutiple times, gave him his milk subsidies, and then he bolts on them and joins the other side in a fit of pique. But not explicitly, he prefers to remain officially non-aligned, though he always votes with the dark side.

  3. If the democrats are Europe, then France would have to be…uh…France.
    There is nothing lower than France. You have hit the Rhetorical Bottom of the Barrel. Look into the abyss, and scream, “HEELLOOOOOO FRAANNNCEEEEE!! HOOOOWWWW’SSSS IITTTTTT HAAAAAANNNNGGGGGIIIIINNNNNNNN’?” Then lean over the edge and spit like you do down the middle of a sixty storey staircase.

  4. Jeffords is definitely France–a backstabbing, amoral, unprincipled ingrate. The Dem leadership are Germany, since they actually believe most of their idiotic navel-gazing bullshit: that’s not hypocritical enough to be France.

  5. France is Cynthia McKinney: Takes blood-money from arabs, gets kicked out of a leadership position for being a weenie, blames it on the J-E-W-S, and months later STILL thinks she/it is relevant.

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