We’re Too Powerful to Give a Rat’s Ass

Lately, North Korea has been doing everything except explicitly begging us to bomb the crap out of them. They’re this silly little country and they’re actually trying to threaten us with nukes. That seems to me to be something we can’t let stand with out a response involving excessive explosives (I still stand by my suggestion in an earlier post), but, so far, the Bush administration doesn’t seem to be talking about a military response at all (except for Rumsfeld, but he’s too kick-ass to be expected to not threaten violence against America’s enemies). Not immediately obliterating North Korea seems like a mistake to me, but then I got to thinking: sure, crushing an enemy like a bug is an expression of our righteous power, but so is being able to ignore a nuclear threat. North Korea is just a little child who wants attention, and it’s cool that they can start talking big about nukes and we can be like, “Feh.”
North Korea: “We don’t have to obey your treaties! We will destroy you imperialistic…”
America: “Hey, Skippy, we’re busy with Iraq right now. Why don’t you just sit there quietly, and we’ll be all ‘threatened’ by you later.”
North Korea: “But we really have nuclear missiles and we will…”
America: “You keep it up, and then we won’t deal with you until after Iran.”

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  1. Odd that Bush and his cronies (or should that be the government and their mate Bush?) have failed to react to North Korea’s nuclear position.
    Dubya: “Dick! Dagnabbit! The North Koreans have nukes!”
    Dick: “Yes, but we must deal with Iraq first…those bastards want to get some.”
    Dubya: “R-ight….but the Koreans actually have the capability now. Why don’t we load up some B-52s and just bomb the sh – ”
    Dick: “No, no, no…the Koreans don’t have any significant mineral reserves, Georgie. That nasy Saddam does. Get it?”
    Dubya: “I think so.”
    Dick: “Good…another pretzel?”

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