What’s My Age Again

I’ve always wondered a bit about who my fellow bloggers are. Most of them it seems – but not all – don’t put very much information about themselves on their blogs. I’d be one of them, as I guess years of reading about computer security makes me a bit antsy about putting lots of information about myself out on the web. Still, I’m usually curious at least at what are the average ages of warbloggers. I assume at 23 I’d be on the younger edge of the scale, but what’s probably average? Thirty-something?
Anyway, I’ll have a report on one of Ari Fleischer’s press conferences ready for tomorrow morning. Until then, enjoy the Super Bowl.

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  1. I’m 42, as of last week. I must say I gasped with shock when I read that you are only 23. Dear Lord, I was a total goofball at that age! I wish I’d been as clear-headed as you are. At least it gives me hope for this generation. : )

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