What’s My Age Again Final Results

I am now done surveying blogger ages, as I forgotten why I originally cared. Anyhoo, we have 2118 years distributed amongst 62 bloggers. That makes the official average age of a blogger to be…
(drum roll)
34.1612903225806451612903225806452 years of age.
So, that is now the super scientific (look at all the decimal places!) result of my survey. If some reporter asks you what is the average age of a warblogger is, you tell them “about 34 years of age.” And if they ask you how you know, tell them some scientific guy named Frank told you. Also, if you are blogging and are not 34 years old, now you know that you are weird.
So, contact the press agencies and spread the word. And someone tell Glenn Reynolds so he’ll link to me. I’ve been hitting record visits to my blog lately, but I want even more visits! MORE! MORE! HA HA HA HA!


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