What’s My Age Again Update II

Yay! I learned how to use a spreadsheet today!
Anyway, current total is 1600 years distributed amongst 48 bloggers. That makes the average age… so how do I make the spreadsheet do an average… ah funk dat, I’ll just use the calculator.
The average age is 33 and a third. That’s down from yesterday, but if I’m blogging until I’m “average age,” that will be ten more years of posts under my belt. I thought people your age were scared of them new-fangled computers?
I’m just kidding!
That was fun. Maybe we can do a survey of some other blogger characteristic later. Anyway, they’re running Smallville (it’s targeted at my age group) versus the State of the Union address, so someone tell me if anything world ending happens or if we finally start bombing Iraq.
Rumsfeld tomorrow.

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  1. Doody doody poo-poo head Frank! He’s a doody poo-poo head! Frank is, Frank is, A DOODY DOODY POO POO HEAD!
    And may the loving eyes of a most merciful god behold you and then cast you down in to the deepest pit of fire for you to burn forever, writhing in eternal and unspeakable agony, with rich flowing glasses of ice cold beer held INCHES from your cracked and bleeding lips and leathery, shriveled throat for even raising this subject, you WAR CRIMINAL!
    Bill Whittle
    PS Free Mumia!

  2. Hey, Frank! I was afraid to say anything on your previous posts about this, because I was older than anyone (46) and felt like the Blog-Grandma…Damn, I hate being middle-aged!
    I would point you to this website: The Ageless Project–it breaks down the blogosphere by the decades people were born and you’ll find moi in the 1950’s [Baby Boomers rule!].
    1956 was a good year except for the Soviet invasion of Hungary.
    Ike was President!

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