Frank Loves Comments

Sometimes people comment on really old posts, and Moveable type will tell me the most recent comments (but not the @#$% post the person commented to). I found this one today on this old post, and thought I’d share.

What kind of elitist bullshit is this?
Just because protestors are against a war in Iraq does not mean they’re “hippies” or “pacifists”. You’re simply echoing the assumptions of the mainstream media. Many of these anti-war protestors are willing to get rid of greedy capitalist motherfuckers “by any means neccessary”. These anarchists and socialists have the imagination needed to see another, less exploitative world order, unlike people like you who keep your heads so firmly planted in people’s asses that you can’t see what’s actually going on. Unlike most protestors, who are educated and informed on global issues, you have no credibility to speak of. Here’s your wake-up call – capitalism isn’t working for the majority. And the majority ain’t gonna take it forever. If I were a member of the elite minority, I’d be afraid.

It’s signed by “dopegirl” and she left an e-mail address, so I thought I’d send back a response.

Dear Crazy Person,
Thank you for your insight. We certainly are all now well aware that our guns and tanks are no match for you and your dope friends’ “imagination”. Thus, we, the elite minority, have decided to heed you wake-up call and dismantle our capitalistic system, replacing it with a combination of anarchy and socialism… actually, aren’t those like the opposite of each other? I guess I’ll just choose one. I think I’ll choose anarchy because I really liked those Mad Max movies.
In conclusion, if you run into me on some desolate highway in the near future, make sure to identify yourself as “Dopegirl” so I know not to kill you for your Gasoline.
Frank J.

Anyway, Rumsfeld is coming tomorrow, and I’ll do my best to make it worth the light posting this week.

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  1. “Unlike most protestors, who are educated and informed on global issues”…..pfft-HAHAHAHA! I guess she hasn’t seen any of the protests going on as of late. I have honestly never before seen such a massive concentration of ignorance in one place as I have seen in these protests. It’s stunning, simply stunning.

  2. What kind of elitist bullshit is this
    Why, Madam, it’s the finest elitist bullshit on the Internet.
    It is best when accompanied by freshly opened bags of Fritos and this morning’s cold coffee. But do NOT have anything in your mouth while reading the actual posts, just the comments. Otherwise, you’re likely to pass a Frito through your nose.

  3. DopeGirl,
    You grossly undersell the achievements of “less exploitatitve” socialist and communist uptopias! C’mon, stand up and take a few bows for the following:
    – no communist regime ever took power as a result of the freely expressed will of the people
    – no communist ruling elite–even after decades in power–has been willing to seek political legitimacy by permitting its people to exercise a free choice on the continuation of communism
    – no cases exist of significant flights to communist systems by people attracted by its way of life, whereas the reverse was apparent under the Soviet Union, and Poland among others [and is still evident under Castro’s Cuba, today]
    – Official Soviet statistics released under glasnost indicated that approximately 40 percent of the entire population, and 79 percent of the elderly, lived in poverty
    – Only a third of Soviet households had hot running water in the 1980s
    – Izvestia reported on January 26th, 1986, that an unskilled worker’s family of four typically had to live for more than eight years in a single eight-by-eight foot room before somewhat better accomodations became available. It is, therefore, no exaggeration to state that the West’s poor live on the same material level as did the Soviet Union’s middle class.
    – Black South Africans owned significantly more cars per capita under Apartheid than did the typical Soviet citizen during the mid 1980s.
    – By a conservative estimate, “less-exploitative” communist regimes murdered on the order of 50 million people during the 20th century in the process of taking and keeping power–representing without a doubt the most extravagant and wasteful experiment in social engineering ever attempted.
    Socialist and communist utopias, you see, managed not only to murder capitalists, but broad selection of everyone else, as well.
    You can stop bowing now.
    Oh, and if you’d like to know what right-wing demagogue wrote the above statements, you are asking the wrong question. They were penned by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs under the rather-not-right-wing President, Jimmy Carter. You can find his thoughts in his book “The Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century.”
    p.s. Frank, if you find the time to zap a copy of the above to DopeGirl’s e-mail address, I’d be delighted.

  4. Update,
    Forgot to mention that Brzezinski wrote those lines just before the fall of Soviet Communism. So while the Soviet Union did eventually hold elections, the elections booted the Soviet communists from power and lead every formely independent nation that had come under their thrall to seek (and in most cases achieve) secession, their own independence, and freely elected non-communist regimes.

  5. I think her screen-name says it all, so…pls go back to whatever brain-burning you were doing before you posted and shut up. I guess watching CNN passes for being well-informed. You might just try reading something other than The Nation – that is, if you can read – after the aforementioned brain-burning. A pox on you and your kind!

  6. I just want to thank dopegirl for illustrating that not all protesters are ‘hippies.’ But in all seriousnees, dopegirl, you’re going to have to lay off the pot before you can bring down The Man™. Otherwise, your Brothers and Sisters in Revolution are going to be too distracted by the pretty colors and Fritos to get off their dejected asses to free the masses from their chains. Not that smoking pot all day has anything to do with your apparent economic oppression. I’m sure it’s all The Man™, man.

  7. I think I went to college with dopegirl in 1971. She was a flappy-jawed idiot then, and an additional three decades of reefer madness haven’t done much for her IQ. Wonder if she bathes now?

  8. I may point out another book: “Black Book of Communism” written by – of all people- French authors who identify themselves as adherents to socialist philosophy; at least until they had a chance to study the KGB archives.
    It is kind of a book that one cannot read in one go – one needs recovery time between chapters to function. BTW, they estimate 50 mil dead in Communist China alone.
    But I have no hope for people like dopegirl. She adheres to good old Leninist’s motto: ” Facts are against us? Too bad for facts”.

  9. Interesting,every”mainstream media”report I read bent over backwards to stress just how diverse a group these protesters are.I would be willing to bet that dopegirl,champion of the oppressed that she is,is probably from a comfortable background,drives a Honda Accord,and has never known a working class person aside from her housekeeper,whereas,I know more about what it’s like to be working class than most people and I’m a dyed in the wool capitalist.I guess I’m just a sell-out.

  10. This is WAY late… just saw this post… but just wanted to say that Matt is exactly right…
    This is not Mexico, you are not an indigenous person, YOU are NOT OPPRESSED…

  11. F***in’ hippy carpet muncher. This just goes to show what smoking pot while laying about with the other rave kids reading the liner notes to old “Rage Against the Machine” cds gets you. If they are anarchists, how are they going to get oragnized enough to defeat the U.S. Armed Forces? Don’t get me wrong, I would love for the Free Mumia crowd to commit some act egregious enough to justify lancing that boil on America’s ass. Just in case, I’m putting a fresh coat of polish on the Jackboots.

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