Links of the Day

Useful fools joined in the counter-demonstration to the Communist sponsored Phoenix, Arizona protest.
The most awesome poster I have ever seen.
Dustbury tries to out do me in the humor department. I shall crush him like I wil eventually crush Scott Ott.
And here is how Republican I am.
Pure Evil
How Republican Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
The test is rigged, but I got the results I wanted.


  1. I don’t even know why I bother with those things. You learn a lot more about the person who wrote the stupid quiz than anyone who would be taking it. My guess for that person’s result on a quiz I would write, “Tree Hugging Commie.”
    I didn’t end up as pure evil, but it wouldn’t have bothered me a bit if I did.

  2. I love the utter hypocrisy of the left. A rant devoid of fact, filled with ad hominem attacks, while purporting to be from one filled with compasssion and care for other humans. The more these people scream, the harder I laugh.
    Keep it up Libbies – when the Bush Administration REALLY decides to become “muderous sociopaths”, I expect you’ll be the first ones to know…

  3. I came up as a Self-Serving Sociopath only 58% Republican. That’s OK by me. I really like the look of Dick Cheney in front of that Hummer. In fact, I think I’ll ask the wife right now if I can get a hummer.

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