Many Fear the Unknown, And Thus I Fear Belgium

Iraq’s existance still mocks me. Who’s to blame? France, Germany, Russia, and Belgium keep wanting to delay our war with pointless and endless inspections, allowing Saddam to continue plotting while his military goes unkilled. The question is, does America have enough courage to stand up to Belgium? I’m not so sure. I assume that most Americans, like me, do not know much about Belgium. All I know is that they are in Europe somewhere and have some association with chocolate and waffles. For all I know, they exist on a floating fortress, and all the Belgipinos are cybernetic giants who speak their harsh sounding Belgianese. I simple don’t know and am too lazy to look it up.
I have a better idea than risking a fight with these mysterious Belgillians. If we can’t get a vote for attacking Iraq, let’s declare war on the U.N. Since the building is in New York, it will be really simple to deploy our troops; we can even use public transportation. Plus, we have lots of good reasons to declare war on them. They associate with known terrorist nations, they interfere with our interests, and we hate them. So let’s bomb the U.N. building to rubble thus destroying their power. Then we can make an even more exclusive United Nations where only America is allowed to join. Now the U.N. will actually be efficient and capable of making international law. Also, if any other nations try uniting again, we shall deal out harsh punishments for their conspiracy.
The world shall be ours, and all other nations will have to grovel before us. Not even Belgium’s fearsome leader, Belgazor, will be able to stop us. Muh ha ha ha!
Oh yeah, and then we can fight Iraq.

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  1. For a second I thought you said “BelGilligans”; the image that brought was hilarious – inept morons stranded in their little country with good looking women around that they have no idea what to do with. THESE are the people who are standing in our way? Swipe them away with the backs of our hands . . .

  2. You would think the Belgians would stop at undercutting US sovereignty, but now I hear they’re going to indict Ariel Sharon for war crimes? I agree with Frank. We need to destroy the evil Belgianese before they make more outrageous claims, like declaring war on the Moon.

  3. There is a reason that “Belgium” is an unutterable profanity on all the other planets in the galaxy. Only a truly backwards and crass population would choose it at the name for their country.
    “Aw Belgium, man, Belgium!!” –Zaphod Beeblebrox

  4. Elizabeth,that politeness was merely a cover for the sinister cabal that runs the world……makers of fruit flavored beer!
    Frank,your idea has merit,but I see problems.
    1)The U.S. doesn’t actually any U.S. troops in the U.S.
    2)Public transport thru NYC?Rush hour would be worse than a russian winter.And do you have any idea how many different langueges are needed to navigate NY?
    3)A U.S. only U.N. would be…..well,too much like an unfunny SNL skit.Though Will Farrel and that other guy could probably use the work.

  5. Frank,
    As someone who’s actually spent a fair amount of time in the heart of Evil Terra Incognita (AKA Belgium), I have to say this was freaking hilarious, even for you.
    However, my personal belief is that Flanders needs freedom and independence ASAP, whereupon they’ll be allies at least as good as their Dutch brethren (i.e., useless, but not particularly annoying). Since Wallonia simply couldn’t survive as a country, we can force France to take it. That should teach them. It’s not France but polite, it’s France with bad weather and even MORE socialist idiocy (unbelievable, I know, but there it is).
    As for Brussels, which isn’t part of either region, I still think it should be a US colony to make beer and chocolate.

  6. Well, it does take the Belgians seven years to get around to trying an alleged paedophile serial child killer after arresting him. And it took another six years for Police to make the collar.
    And how scary is a country whose great artistic icon (and tourist draw) is a statue of a pissing toddler?
    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  7. All this doey-eyed drabble about those Belgians and their beer and chocolate… But you are all forgetting to counterbalance it against the most evil and despicable non-food ever forced down the throat of an American: the Brussels Sprout!
    Any nation which would inflict this heinous weapon of mass destruction upon the youth of the free world should be nuked until it glows.

  8. I disagree with David Gulliver. I saw a lot of movies in the ’50s and ’60s, so I know what happens when you nuke something. Do we really want to unleash Giant Mutant Glowing Brussel Sprouts on Europe? What if GMGBS take out Luxembourg on route to France?

  9. Ahh, Belgium. Drove across it one day. Had to take a leak. Went to a “public” restroom. There’s some fat bastard sitting in the doorway with a tin out. My travelling companion (OK, I was ordered to drag the freak along) tells me that in Belgium, you pretty much have to “tip” everybody. So I paid some fat bastard for the priveledge of him watching me take a leak.
    Belgium, more f***ed up than you can possibly imagine.

  10. Hello,
    the EU bureaucracy is stashed there , I think. Man, reading their remarks in various places, these guys must worship Vladimir Ilich Lenin in private. They seem to love socialism. Truly scary!

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