Links of the Day

Some site doesn’t seem to like that post I wrote a while back about bombing france, but it’s hard to tell since the whole site is written in crazy monkey gibberish. It’s crazy! (thanks to Matt from Overtaken by Events for the link).
Joanna Jacobs has a lesson about wolves, bears, and U.N. Resolutions.
Mean Mr. Mustard calls for us to slow down arresting Al Qeada bigwigs.

You Shadow Our Planes, We Puncha Your Face

Four armed North Korean jets intercepted one of our reconnaissance planes over the Sea of Japan. I know what you’re probably saying, “Hey, they shouldn’t do that! Let’s hit North Korea with a biological weapon, then saturation bomb them, then nuke them, and then shoot them with some sort of space-based laser.” That does seem like the natural response, but that’s not the diplomatic thing. Instead, the U.S. is going to file a formal protest with North Korea over the incident. But the question is, how to do you this to crazy people? If you just wrote Kim Jong Il a harshly worded letter, he’d probably just fold it into a hat and do a crazy little dance while wearing it. That’s why I have some better ideas for protest.
Maybe one reason North Korea keeps antagonizing us is that they don’t really understand what we’ll do to them if we get truly pissed. Thus, we should give them a visual aid. One idea is to bomb the crap out of France (yeah, I know, that’s my answer to everything). We have to go completely nuts on them. Then we tell North Korea, “See that? That’s what’s going to happen to you if you don’t shape up.”
Another idea is to try to communicate to them on their own level of crazy. We can drop a shipment of infected monkeys into the middle of his capital city. People hate infected monkeys. Then we can say, “Hey, you play nice or you get bitten by infected monkeys.”
Or perhaps we shouldn’t protest at all and instead teach them in a Pavlovian way that U.S. surveillance planes equals bad. What we do is fill one of them up with explosives and fly it by remote, then, as soon as their MiGs get near it to shadow it, BOOM!
Or we could just forget the whole thing. I never got our interest in North Korea anyway; there’s no oil to steal.