Oh No! They’re Going to Get Us with Their Licensed Guns!

Don’t usually post on Saturdays, but here is Kearie’s response once provoked. If I were still in college taking psych classes, these could make for some interesting case studies.

Dear Frank J,
Thank you for your reply. I suppose I couldn’t expect more than stereotypes from anyone residing in Ameirca, since your world consist of fast food outlets and consumerism.
And yes, your right, we Canadian’s should be nice to you, but only because the rest of the world hates you. As for your guns, I don’t think we will have a problem there, since we have twice as many guns per household than you do, except they are all liscened and we are smarlt enough not to turn them on ourselves.
All in all, if you do decide to cross the world’s largest unguarged border, which however, is increasingly difficult, we will be sure to let all the terrorist we are harboring loose on you.
Of course, I realize that you meant no offence by your history, as I understand that being Amnerican, offence is unfortunatly innate, so I fully abosolve you of anything that you have said to offend me.
Well, I’ll be off now to enjoy the wonderfull nature reserves and parks that we have taken a pride in conserving. Moose and all.

Notice how she (he?) is unable to spell America correctly. It’s as if the name of our country is like a cross to a vampire. And whom is the zinger about the terrorists making fun of?
Oh well, I neither know enough or care enough about Canada to respond again. Have a great weekend, everyone.