Links of the Day

No links of the day today because I drank too much at work. Just check out any link on my blogroll for more edu-tainment. Hopefully I can get things together enough for a Rumsfeld post tomorrow.
UPDATE: Almost didn’t notice, but I passed 100,000 unique vistors sometime today. Thanks to everyone for reading.

You’ve Got to Keep Your Axes Under Control

The other members of the Axis of Evil are trying to take advantage of our distraction with Iraq. North Korea has tested more missiles, and Iran started up their nuclear program. This is bad and cannot go unanswered.
First of all, this is just why we need missile defense. When North Korean fires a test missile, we can shoot it out of the sky. Then we can have a plane fly by towing a banner saying, “Your Missiles Suck! You Guys Are Losers!” Then the North Korean will get low self-esteem and stop all their blustering about how they can beat us in a nuclear war and other fantasies.
As for Iran, we could just go in and blow up their nuclear facilities, but the U.N. will probably yell at us. Then we’d have to also take out the U.N., and we could end up being in the desert all night digging holes. Instead, we should set up the destruction so that they see a poofy-haired man running away from the explosion. They’ll assume it was Kim Jong Il trying to take down Iran so he could be the undisputed leader of the Axis of Evil. Jong and Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-Khamenei will probably get into a slap fight and curse each other’s mustaches, giving us enough time to steal whatever oil those two countries have. Once exploited for their resources, those countries are of no further use to us and can be nuked.
Quick and simple.