Green = Red

So we’re back to Orange alert status – High alert status – as defined by the Office of Homeland Security. So far default has been Yellow – Elevated alert status. But there are two levels below that. When will we ever see those? I guess after Iraq is defeated and al Qaeda is permanently eliminated, we can drop down to Blue status – Guarded – but what is the lowest level, the Green level, for? Will we only reach that when we have some sort of utopian society where violence is a thing of the past?
“Alert status is now Green. Authorities say that you can go ahead and keep your doors unlocked, let your kids ride with strangers, and melt your guns down into tasteful jewelry. American intelligence agencies have been disbanded since we no longer have any enemies to watch, and police officers will now just work as taxi drivers. Stop worrying about anything and don’t pay any attention to anything out of the ordinary. Now go have a peachy day.”
If the alert ever goes to Green, I’m just going to assume it’s some terrorist trick to get us to drop our guard. Well I ain’t falling for it, Osama!

Lessons Learned Thus Far

Well, apparently it doesn’t matter how dirty, smelly, and annoying you are, you can’t stop the American war machine (a good lesson for both hippies and the French). You can dress up as dumb as you want, and chant slogans that are devoid of thought as loud as possible, but America will still kill bad people. And even if large masses of smelliness and stupidity congregate in our major cities, America will still fight for its interests.
God Bless America.

It Has Begun

Don’t have time to come up with anything funny to say this morning (maybe I’ll post something after work) but just wanted to express my best wishes for our military men and women and my hopes that we can make this war a quick one. Godspeed.