Links of the Day

Bill Whittle had to remove comments to his posts because of the trolls. If I keep reading Bill, I’m going to be inspired to write a serious essay one of these days. Better stop reading Bill before I embarrass myself.
The bastard at The Yankee Herald delinked me! Why I outta… oh, he linked me again.
Adela loves Frank. Everyone should love Frank. Everyone should hate monkeys.
BTW, I keep hearing from people saying that they just heard about my blog. Why doesn’t everyone know? Aren’t you readers e-mailing everybody about me, and chastising any blog that doesn’t have a link to me?
Between your lack of promotion and voting for the monkey, I’m starting to think of getting new readers.

IMAO: Getting in the Way of Useful Information

I found this anonymous comment on my post about suggestions for a type of government for Iraq:

your morons! I was looking for some useful information, not this crap

Apparently that post is already ranked third for “types of governments” as a google search.
My Know Thy Enemy post about the Iraqi Republican Guard used to be the number four ranked entry for a “iraqi republican guard”, but now that post can’t be found at all with google. Hmm… some sort of cover up?
At least this last commenter didn’t call me a “wang”.

Frank Discussions: Condoleezza Rice

Guess who go to sit down with Condoleezza Rice for a nice chat?
No, me, jackass.
I was like, “Hey, it’s Frank J. of How would you like me to interview you?”
And she was like, “Frank J.! Oh, my God; I can’t believe it! I love your site! It’s so much better than the site of that puppy blending monster.”
Yeah, that’s what happened.
No, you’re a liar.
Anyway, here’s the interview:

Continue reading ‘Frank Discussions: Condoleezza Rice’ »

Poll Results

The poll on which picture should represent Frank J. is now closed with 505 votes.

Agent Monkey-for-a-Head: 168 votes
Homicidal Rage Frank: 114 votes
Matrix Frank: 102 votes
Paranoid Frank: 54 votes
Psycho Happy Frank: 26 votes
Depressed Frank: 13 votes
Smirking Frank: 11 votes
Distracted Frank: 7 votes
Serious Frank: 5 votes
Smiling Frank: 5 votes

As a compromise, a reader made this which combines the top two entries. Also, Rachel Lucas said she likes Paranoid Frank, which might out rule you all. Maybe I’ll redo a better picture of that later, but right now I have decided to honor the vote, and thus I have a new About Me page completely rewritten to explain why I have the head of a monkey. Hope you enjoy.