Behold My Glory!

Now you get to choose what will be the official photo of me, the beloved Frank J., to go on my About Me page. All shots were taken with a digital camera held at arms length… unless they obviously weren’t. And I just now noticed that my left eye tends to be slightly more closed than the right; what’s up with that?
Anyhoo, here are the choices:
Photo #1: Here I am as normal, with a slight smirk. Yeah, I know I’m better than you.
Photo #2: Here I am more serious looking. Yes, I’m a humorous guy, but you’ll never know how deep and philosophical my thoughts are.
Photo #3: Here I am smiling. I’m a happy, funny guy. Everyone loves Frank.
Photo #4: Here I am staring into the unknown, my thoughts distant and mysterious. Or maybe my ADD kicked in while I was taking that shot.
Photo #5: I was thinking my readers might want a picture that has more character, so here is suicidally depressed Frank. “Everyone just laughs at me!” Whoops! Looks like some forgot to take his pills.
Photo #6: Now the pills have kicked in. Here’s psycho happy Frank!
Photo #7: Here’s paranoid Frank. Why would people want a picture of me? For what purpose?
Photo #8: And here I am with homicidal rage like my hero, Donald Rumsfeld.
Photo #9: And here is what The Matrix would look like if I starred in it. Don’t I look dangerous with those silenced Skorpions (or “Klobbs” for aficionados of the N64 game Goldeneye)?
Photo #10: And here is what The Matrix would look like if Agent Smith had the head of a monkey… but now I think we’ve strayed off topic.
Carefully make your selection. You only get to vote once, and no revotes if you accidentally vote for Buchanan. Polling will be open for the rest of the week, or until I arbitrarily decide to end it. Poll results can also be ignored if I don’t like them. You see, it’s like a democracy, but better, because I get the final say.
Poll has closed. See results here.


  1. Silly Sister Sarah is too busy immersing herself in Hollywood to give anything to this site. She just got hired to be the Costume Designer for a feature length film even though she just finished school like a week ago, so now she’s too good to talk to her brother. She’s like, “If you have something to say to me, talk to my people and they’ll pass the message on to me.”

  2. So, what are you going to beat these people with — your fiercely typed words?
    When you change your shirt and get real pics taken, make sure the shirt is a solid color, preferably bright blue (never plaid, it just isn’t dignified).
    Also, about the Matrix pic, is Keanu’s brain-dead expression really something you want to emulate?
    —think about it.
    With Love and Concern,

  3. Pingback: Poll Results – IMAO

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