But Is It Hate Mail?

I got this e-mail the other day in reference to my Brief History of the Gun:

you are a wang im trying to do a report and found this. yes its funny but its in my way.

So he admits I’m funny, which is all I’m trying to be on this webpage, but, then again, he calls me a wang. So is it hate mail?
Anyway, if you hate me or any opinions I have expressed, please send more incoherent e-mails. They make easy posts.

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  1. Frank, he’s obviously the product of a government education. All the “educators” have taught him to do is “feel”. They most assuredly did NOT teach him how to think. Hate is all he has in his little world.

  2. Nah, it seems to me that this kid was trying to do a report on gun control or the history of guns or something of the sort. He stumbled upon your “Brief History of the Gun,” and seeing as how he was probably bored with the project he decided to email you and tell you that although it was funny, you are a wang for not posting something that might help him.
    Just another teenager’s analysis. =)

  3. Back in the 70’s I worked for a company that had a Wang system. At lunch one day, their salesman told me about one of his colleagues who had left the company after telling a customer’s receptionist, “Is Mr. ___ in? I’d like to show him my Wang.”

  4. Jeff is on target, I think. The “hate-mailer” was actually complimenting you for being funny; and feigning indignation that he was linked to something so…er…unuseful.
    So it wasn’t “Hate” mail so much as it was “I-Wish-To-Thank-You-For-Interupting-My-Tedious-Research-And-Provided-An-Unexpected-And-Entertaining-Read-By-Joining-In-The-Fun-And-Sarcastically-Scolding-You-For-Obstructing-My-Overpriced-And-Under-Rewarding-Education” mail.

  5. I think that this kid just can’t type – he probably meant to call you a “wank” – i.e. “wanker” – and couldn’t spell it.
    However, since this is a British epithet, this proves that your international audience is growing by leaps and bounds…..(!)

    1. The cheek.
      c1440 York Myst. x. 275 Thy wordis makis me my wangges to wete.
    2. A strong iron fixed to the front end of the beam [of a plough], having notches by which the end of the foot-chain..is adjusted,..as may be needful, according to the width of furrow desired…
    3. Of a cart – the iron loop or staple upon each shaft, to which is hooked on the chain of the vore-horse.
      Take your pick.
  6. wang
    \Wang\, n. [OE. wange, AS. wange, wonge, cheek, jaw; akin to D. wang, OS. & OHG. wanga, G. wange.] 1. The jaw, jawbone, or cheek bone. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
    So work aye the wangs in his head. –Chaucer.
    2. A slap; a blow. [Prov. Eng.] –Halliwell.
    Everybody Wang Chung tonight!

  7. hey! my last name is wang! i find this entire conversation racist! this is all a conspiracy to keep the asians down in the ghettos!
    er, what was that?
    man, asians don’t even get the perks of being a minority anymore. why is that?

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