Frank Discussions: Condoleezza Rice

Guess who go to sit down with Condoleezza Rice for a nice chat?
No, me, jackass.
I was like, “Hey, it’s Frank J. of How would you like me to interview you?”
And she was like, “Frank J.! Oh, my God; I can’t believe it! I love your site! It’s so much better than the site of that puppy blending monster.”
Yeah, that’s what happened.
No, you’re a liar.
Anyway, here’s the interview:

Frank: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. Can I call you Condi?
Rice: Uh… I guess. I’m a little confused here, I thought I was going to be talking to someone from a regular news organization. What are you? Like twelve?
Frank: I’ll be twenty-four in June… and I am from a regular new organization. I’m from… CNN. Yeah, I’m Wolf Blitzer. I just shaved and dyed my hair for a new look. You like it.
Rice: I’ll buy that… for now. Why are the lights so dim?
Frank: I thought it would make a better mood for an interview.
Rice: Is that Barry White I hear playing?
Frank: Just a little mood music. Why don’t you take a sip of your wine and relax, Condi?
Rice: Turn up the lights and turn off the music… NOW!
Frank: Okay… okay… I guess I’ll get to my questions. Let’s see here…
Rice: You know, it’s not very professional of you to have your questions written on… what is that you have your questions written on?
Frank: They’re pages from my daily Dilbert calendar. The backs of them make great scrap paper.
Heh heh… Dogbert always cracks me up.
Anyway, my first question: So, Condi, being the National Security Advisor of the President, do you advise the president on matters of security that are a national concern?
Rice: Yes.
Frank: On second thought, that questions wasn’t as probing and insightful as I first believed it would be. So, next question: What do you think of today’s military technology?
Rice: I think we have a huge technological advantage over our enemy. I mean they’re a bunch of dumb turds with second hand AK-47’s, and we have laser guided missiles that can fly through space. And, with our advance accuracy, we can avoid civilian casualties.
Frank: And it is the administration’s position to not kill children?
Rice: Yes, even the stupid smelly ones. That’s why we have cruise missiles that can fly miles and miles and then accurately hit a target about the size of Michael Moore.
Frank: So why is Michael Moore still around.
Rice: He runs a lot faster than you’d think.
Frank: I see. I’ve heard you take a great interest in continuing advances in technology for America’s military.
Rice: Yes, I demand a lot from our scientists and engineers. When I ask something to be done, I don’t take “I can’t” or “That’s not possible in either classical or quantum physics” for an answer.
Frank: So what’s one of your latest creations?
Rice: For our military, we need lots of computing power for simulations. We’ve now created a computer that can increase its speed by stealing computing power from its doppelganger in an alternate dimension.
Frank: Then won’t there be a Condoleezza Rice in an alternate dimension extremely pissed by how her computing power is being sucked away?
Rice: Screw her! Obviously I thought of this first.
Then again, if I know me, she would be plotting revenge.
Frank: One’s greatest enemy is always themselves. Anyway, I sometime hear you referred to as Dr. Rice. What are you a doctor of?
Rice: I don’t remember; I finished college some time ago. I’m pretty sure it’s not the one where you operate on people.
Frank: So you never cut anyone open?
Rice: I didn’t say that.
Frank: So let’s see… what were my other questions…
Heh heh, Wally is so lazy.
Rice: I am growing impatient.
Frank: What’s it like working with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld?
Rice: His warmongering is useful to me, but he is an old man, and I am the future. I have plans way beyond his.
Frank: What plans?
Rice: Nothing for you to know about.
Frank: You don’t plan on becoming some supervillianess and then take over the world, do you?
Rice: No comment.
Frank: My God, I bet you already have a hollowed out volcano.
Rice: I don’t like where these questions are going.
Frank: Can I help you come up with a supervillian name? How about “Dark Raven”?
Rice: Quiet.
Frank: Could I at least be one of your minions?
Rice: Maybe… just stop talking about this subject.
Frank: Alright, I had just one more thing, Condi. Have you ever thought about doing something to draw more interest in your administration?
Rice: Like what do you mean?
Frank: I was thinking a swimsuit calendar. Everyone loves swimsuit calendars.
Rice: I don’t think that would be appropriate.
Frank: Come one. I got some swimsuits here for you to choose from and the camera is all ready.
Rice: I’m not comfortable with this.
Frank: Don’t be so shy. You have a great body… (cough) (gag)
Rice: You touched my leg!
Frank: (gag) (cough)
Rice: Don’t be such a baby; I barely collapsed your throat.
Frank: Anyway (cough) thanks for giving me your time. Perhaps we can (cough) do this again sometime.
Rice: Not if I get a restraining order first.

No Comments

  1. This is genius. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Definitely laugh-out-loud hilarious!
    Too bad she didn’t fall for the Barry White music, the soft lights, the wine…. maybe is you took her down to the shooting range she’d start to get in the mood.
    I wonder what the alternate universe Frank is doing right now?

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