Happy Easter

It’s Easter, and I just wanted to say that Jesus kicks ass. I don’t usually talk about religious topics, but, hey, Jesus rose from the dead; what did you do? I know a lot of people have conflicting opinions on religion, but I’ve never heard anyone actually to argue with the teachings with Jesus.

“‘Love thy neighbor’?! That’s so much crap! You should hate your neighbor! I hate mine… and his dog that won’t shut up.”

Anyway, my faith has helped me through some hard times, and I just wanted to give a shout out to the Savior. Also, isn’t it nice to think that at one time, in one place in the world, one person was here who actually knew what the hell was going on?

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  1. Why all the parables?
    The parables are like three mustard seeds that are sowed in the sand by three differant farmers. One farmer plants the seed and waits in vain for it to grow, as he makes no effort to cultivate it. The second farmer pours water on it, and the seed washes away as he had no sense of moderation. The third and wise farmer carefully moisens the sand and slathers it with Miracle Grow and donkey poop. The seed grows ten times ten cubits in height and the village has a summertime’s supply of yummy mustard for their puppy burgers.
    “but, rabbi, I do not understand the parable of the donkey poop”
    O, ye of little guile. The mustard seeds are the words that flow from the angels of the Lord, the sand is the darkened heart of man. The water is the zealous yet narrow vision of the hippocrites in the synagogues, and the Miracle Grow and donkey poop are the studied and open efforts of the faithful to see the hidden truths bloom forth like a mighty sequoia.
    “oh, I was gonna say that..”

  2. Frank!
    I am so pleased to read this from you. (I shoulda known, though, from the philosophies you’ve expressed heretofore) It warmed my heart. Happy Easter to you, buddy, and God bless.

  3. Love the site Frank, and I’ve always got a little more respect to give to people who professes his/her faith. And for the record, there is nothing “unreasonable” about Christ or the Christian religion.

  4. Gil, what if the reasonable thing that give you comfort is something horrible like drowning puppies or killing people. When does your sense of comfort outweigh someone elses and more importantly why?
    Jesus, I love you man!

  5. JoeMcC,
    I can’t answer your questions completely in a short comment. But I can turn it around and ask how the problems you pose are helped by blindly accepting a religion? Why should you accept that it’s right?
    If your parents’ religion said that it was ok to kill people and drown puppies on Tuesdays, or that you should put on tennis shoes, swallow poison so that you can ride the next comet to heaven; would you go along with that? Or would you apply reason, decide it didn’t support your rationally chosen values, and look further for answers about what is right and wrong?
    If you trust your intelligence and moral sense to help you reject insanely stupid religions, why don’t you trust it to help you figure out what’s right and wrong (if you believe in objective morality, as I do)?
    If you don’t, and you think a better strategy is to just accept what nearby popular authorities say is right…well, that can lead to flying airplanes into buildings.

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