I Love Frank

By popular request, you can now give me money. If I can defray the cost of the server space, I’ll be happy. Any extra money will go towards the fight against puppy blending.
If you have any ideas to make this site better, especially ones that involve me getting money, don’t be afraid to tell me.

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  1. Ok, so I think your site is a bunch of useless rambling, I mean seriously, why waste your time and everyone elses? Nobody cares what some little teenager thinks about the world. Unless you have something useful to say, SHUT YOUR MOUTH, this is not a threat, not a promise, ITS A GUARANTEE! I will drag you out of Florida and take you to a country where it is okay for me to beat some sense in to you. I would like to say one thing, Fidel Castro is the best leader, he has outlived like 5 US presidents outlasted about 8 or 9 (not sure the EXACT statistic but you dont seem to keen on statistics being accurate here either)…anyway he has better educated doctors than we do…how I have NO idea. He also is a smart man, he opens up his prisons and says you can either stay here in prison or you can make your way to America, now I’m sorry but thats genius b/c all of those little “Mexicans” (or so you think) that cut your lawn could be former Cuban Killers, so watch your back. Anyway although it may not seem so, I fully support the US in their war efforts and whatever else they want to kick a$$ in but I don’t need some little punk like you to tell me how it is! Thank you for reading 🙂

  2. Wow stoned hippie dude is a f***ing dumb bitch … I mean for real wasn’t the internet created for everyone to voice their opinion and such … And Frank if this bitch wants to f*** with you I got your back man I mean its f***in’ stupid people that think they are going to beat you up through computers and shit but thats their deal, I bet they also like kiddie porn and fly imaginary missions to jupiter or some shit to find people of their intelligence (0). Fidel Caestro? bwahahahaha Commies … even funnier. Cuba has the worst economy ever and you know the only reason we haven’t went in there and dethroned him is b/c it’s way better just to humiliate him b/c all of his people want to live here and sometimes die trying to swim here. That is why there is that stupid law where one digit hits America from Cuba and you are scott free and the boarder patrol is like ‘oh here comes another Cuban I’d better stop him’ while walking the other way… as opposed to the Mexican boarder where they actually carry guns to keep people out and its more like hey look firing range. Keep tellin’ it how it is man, freaks like this hippy guy keep the laughs comin’.

  3. My guess is the stoned hippie post is a joke.
    Couldn’t you go without ramen noodles for a few days and give me more? Just kidding; I appreciate every little bit.
    Maybe a picture of me could be an incentive for more donations. If I get enough, then all the ladies can bask in my rugged good looks.

  4. Interesting idea windrider, as I do have a webcam. But I don’t know how many people want to see me sitting in front of my computer eating doritos.
    Going on Alice’s suggestion, I did just held a digital camera at arms length and snapped a number of shots of myself. Maybe I’ll have a vote later for the official Frank J. photo to go in my About Me section.

  5. Okay, here is an idea for you.
    Get Cox and Forkum to draw you a Rummy (or I can do it, for a modest fee), then add a great quote from one of your Rummy press conferences.
    Run over to ThoseShirts, and get them to print you up some LMAO teeshirts.
    Rake in the cash.
    Okay, maybe it will not make THAT much money – but I can guarantee at least one purchase right here.

  6. A t-shirt might be a great idea, I’ve just been trying to come up with a great design. I was thinking IMAO.us on the front and an enraged picture of Rumsfeld on the back with the words “Rarr!” Maybe I can have a post asking for suggestions later.

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