If I Were President: “Boo Hoo… My Speech is Being Supressed”

I know everyone and their mother has commented on this topic, but I just couldn’t help putting my own two cents in because it pissed me off so much. I’m not as funny when I’m angry, but take what you get. So here is me as President, giving an address to the American people.
I know there have been a number of complaints about suppression of speech here in America. Those in opposition to the war think the harsh criticism they’ve received has been stifling their dissent. I have just one thing to say to this:
Shut up you whiny little bitches!
I swear to God almighty, that if I see even one of you come and complain to my face like that, I will shake you like a British nanny until He finally deems appropriate to bestow you an ounce of sense.
“Whaa! People say mean things about me. It’s like we don’t have any freedom anymore.”
I simply lack the skill with prose to express how much you idiots disgust me. There are people in other countries who risk their own lives to speak out against oppression, and you pieces of excrement are whining about how people are criticizing you for that diarrhea of the mouth you think is political speak. Well, I can think of any better expression of freedom of speech than people making life hell for you complete and utter nitwits, either by constantly declaring loudly what jackasses you people are or boycotting whatever you are involved with.
“But that’s suppressing the debate,” you whine. Hey, just like you wouldn’t want some KKK member’s opinion on the subject of race relations, we don’t need the input of assclown pacifists on the debate of foreign affairs. Your opinions are so idiotic, they erode the debate, not add to it. We are all dumber for having listened to you, and democracy is better for having you shouted down.
If some of you still don’t get the point, then, next time I hear one of you retards complain about your “speech being oppressed,” I’ll send some thugs to murder your family, burn down your house, and then drag you out in the street cut out your tongue. Then tell me (or, I guess, sign to me) whether you can’t tell the difference between that actual suppression of speech and what you thought was oppression before.
One last note: if you’re a hot chick, and you’re idea of fighting back is to pose naked, I’m perfectly fine with that. Everyone else, shut up for the sake of the country’s sanity.
Thank you and God bless.

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  1. Right on, Frank! (And I don’t mean that in a 1960’s hippie way.) You said it all in a nutshell. When debating this subject, I keep telling people that Freedom of Speech is not FREE. Sometimes it costs you something to voice an unpopular opinion because everyone else has the freedom to tell you to go fk yourself! That’s what the U.S. of A is all about (the freedom, not the fking yourself). Anyway, if you want to be an “activist” you better be committed to your cause and willing to accept some criticism and even some financial consequences. Otherwise, you’re just a superficial, whiny baby like Tim “the wussy” Robbins and the Dixie (didn’t want to see them naked) Chicks.
    “I should be able to say whatever and want and everyone has to listen to me, and LIKE IT, too! Look at me on my soapbox! Attention! Attention, everybody! I just love attention! But don’t say mean things about me or I’ll throw such a tantrum!”
    These morons make me sick!

  2. Abraham Lincoln said it best: “I’d rather stay silent and be thought a fool, than open my mouth and remove all doubt.” Sure, you have the right to say whatever you want, but if it doesn’t make sense to the rest of us, there are consequences. By the way, we need to set up a “Tom Daschle Award” for outstanding achievement in hyperbole. What would be a good booby prize?

  3. YEP…and it can also apply to those who whine ” They won’t let me win at attempting to crush their rights to voice christian beliefs!”..How incredibly intolerant of my intolerance!!!!

  4. YEP…and it can also apply to those who whine ” They won’t let me win at attempting to crush their rights to voice christian beliefs!”..How incredibly intolerant of my intolerance!!!!

  5. See the lack of decent education in action! These whiny putzes never learned that the first amendment (the part of the bill of rights where they talk about all the free-speech stuff, for any of you educated after 1990) applies to the government and what it can and cannot do regarding speech in this nation.
    The first amendment doesn’t mean people gotta like you when you get done talkin’.

  6. Heh heh.
    Remember that scene in Clockwork Orange where Malcolm McDowell gets strapped down in a chair, his eyes held open forcibly with tweezers, his hands tied so he can’t clamp them over his ears?
    That’s what I’d like to do with the whining leftist liburls… while Frank J. comes on to perform LIVE.
    I know, I’m disturbed.

  7. Where do I sign up for the Ashcroft Liberal Tongue-Remover Brigades? I’m not just a gun nut, I also wield a mean pair of pliers and/or kitchen-shears…
    I swear, I’ll lie about my age this time, so they don’t tell me to f*** off like the Nat. Guard told me on 9/13/2001.
    Just put me near Tim Robbins, is all I ask.

  8. Very well said. I am often amazed at the audacity of individuals in this country who feel they are oppressed simply because they aren’t given inexcusably wide berth to express their at times uneducated, and at worst assinine, opinions. Bravo for your candor, even from this Democrat!

  9. Right on the HEAD! I’m so awfully sick of the liberal side of the media, liberal school teachers, etc, etc, deciding what is or is not free speech that the vomitus rises every time I read or listen to them whine.
    Every time you hear one within reach, poke them in the eye. Maybe after they have two swollen shut eyes, they’ll get the idea that we are TIRED of their form of free speech.
    xoxo mjb

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