IMAO: Getting in the Way of Useful Information

I found this anonymous comment on my post about suggestions for a type of government for Iraq:

your morons! I was looking for some useful information, not this crap

Apparently that post is already ranked third for “types of governments” as a google search.
My Know Thy Enemy post about the Iraqi Republican Guard used to be the number four ranked entry for a “iraqi republican guard”, but now that post can’t be found at all with google. Hmm… some sort of cover up?
At least this last commenter didn’t call me a “wang”.

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  1. You mean he’s not Asian?
    Come on Frank how else could I have meant it? It’s a compliment trust me. 😉 Think about it. Has Michael Moore ever called you a wang? Don’t you think that if wang was an insult he would have done so in response to your brilliant Hate Mail offered to him a day or so ago?

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