Links of the Day

In the spirit of Easter, I want to get back to help spreading some traffic to those who deserve it.
Check out On the Fritz, a well designed humor website that makes mine look like crap in comparison. No, wait, don’t check it out. I don’t need another arch-nemesis like Scrappleface.
For even more humor and insight, check out The Mudville Gazette. Ahh! I can’t take the competition.
Judicious Asinity has moved. Don’t know the blog? Then check it out.
Oh, also in the spirit of Easter, I added photographic evidence to my filthy lie.
Oh, and give me money.
UPDATE: Actually, On the Fritz found a website that makes all other websites look like crap.


  1. No worries. You are still the funniest sonofabitch on the internet. I cannot count the times my wife and I have howled with laughter over your Rumsfeld press conferences.
    I really hope the current administration gets a second term, or else we shall very much miss those conferences.

  2. Gracias, Frank, and a tip of the hat to you. Your stuff made me laugh so hard I shot milk through my nose. Normally I don’t mind that but this time the milk had Cheerios in it. In appreciation I’ve jumped on your Glenn Reynolds Puppy Drinker Bandwagon.

  3. Michael,
    I’m sure I can have just as much fun with whatever administration comes in… but Rumsfeld would be missed.
    Thanks for help spreading the lie. The more it gets spread, the more Glenn Reynolds popularity will sink. Muh ha ha ha!

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