Links of the Day

Oscar Jr., who likes to do research on different aspects of blogs (first copying my blogger age research, which is why I will eventually delink him), has compared the mention of monkeys on this site to other site revealing startling results (or not startling; I just really hadn’t thought about it before).
Jared Myers tries a variation of my In My World posts on the Dixie Chicks interview. It’s pretty damn funny… just not as funny as something I would write, of course.
NOTE: As usual, direct post links aren’t working on blogspot, so look for the post titled “Anybody watch the Vichy Chicks Thursday night?”
Man, Links of the Day is starting to become Links that Mention Frank.
Here’s some that don’t mention me:
In case you were thinking it, it’s too late now. A blog has just come out named Democracy, Whiskey, Sexy!
Laurence Simon now has new Amish Tech Support mouse pads out. But nothing will beat my Max Payne mouse pad that came free with the Max Payne computer game. That guy can jump in slow-mo while shooting people with a Beretta in each hand. Kick ass! Actually, why am I blogging? I could be playing Max Payne right now.
UPDATE: This mentions me, so I’ll link it too!


  1. Man, Links of the Day is starting to become Links that Mention Frank.

    And I didn’t “copy” your research, I attempted to improve upon it. Instead, I basically verified your results (with fewer digits, alas), so now you can publish the research in a scientific blog journal and win a Nobel prize.
    You’re welcome.

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