Links of the Day

Have added Conservatism Blog and The Catholic Samurai to the blogroll (us Catholic Samurais have to stick together). I decided what I was doing to Silent Running is too mean (I’ll close up the poll results tomorrow).
Right We Are has posted a travel advisory for France. Important to read for anyone foolish enough to be thinking of leaving the states.
I haven’t linked to Andrea Harris in a while, so I’m just going to, because I like reading her blog.
BTW, if you have a post that you think is particularly good, don’t be afraid of e-mailing me it. Just don’t do it more than once a week or so or get too homicidal if I don’t use it.
UPDATE: Looks like I have trackback working now. If you have an MT blog, link me and ping me or something… I don’t how the hell it works.

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  1. I don’t write anything that’s particularly brilliant or newsworthy, but I am in awe of Bill Whittle and I read you nearly every day.
    So, I just have to ask: Couldn’t you just take that extra Rachel Lucas link (the second one at the bottom) and put me in there?
    Bwah ha ha!
    P.S. I liked Psychotic. . .er PARANOID Frank bestest, too.

  2. I decided what I was doing to Silent Running is too mean (I’ll close up the poll results tomorrow).

    Frank, does this have anything to do with the fact that the number one (61%) poll option selected is “I want more pictures of monkeys”? 🙂

  3. Ping and they will come

    Laurence sez: “I like Trackback… it’s great for seeing who points to your material and comments on it on their own site. Technorati is pretty good abut sweeping through blogs upon pinging, but not everybody pings and the Trackbacks are…

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