Links of the Day

I tried out the option where I get every comment e-mailed to me, and that’s way too many e-mails. I don’t know how Michele handles that. Speaking of Michele, she now has started the Slutpublicans. Check it out.
Bill Quick has some words to those against Right to Carry laws in Minnesota. Kim du Toit has something to say as well.
Mean Mr. Mustard talks about Canada, and he’s MEAN!
Andrew H. has some words about the Axis of Weasels and NATO.
On the Fritz has an article about some suspicious barrels in Iraq and the proper way to dispose of monkeys.
Finally, Steven Den Beste has a new list of links… not including me! I guess I’m too “popular” and “read” to be one of his links. Well screw him. I hate Steven Den Beste. First of all, that’s the dumbest name I’ve ever heard. Second of all, I only link to his site because everybody else does and I don’t want to look weird. Thirdly… well that’s all I got.
I just really hate people who get more traffic than me. Oh, that reminds me: damn you Scrappleface!


  1. Den Beste has NEVER had me linked, because he’s from California.
    Also, he believes me to be demented, but I’m not, except when I read about, see or hear anything to do with the Democrat Party.
    Or people who don’t like guns.
    I think Den Beste secretly supports Al Gore (like Glenn Reynolds), and he probably doesn’t own a gun.

  2. Wow, Den Beste seems to be taking what you said about him seriously. Good Lord! Anyone who takes pretty much anything said here (Besides “Jennifer Eccleston is hot”) seriously needs to take a deep breath and try to observe the situation more objectively.
    Oh yeah: MONKEY!

  3. I don’t think he’s taking it seriously (I read the post); his sense of humor is pretty dry and I think it’s his way of writing sarcasm. He knows IMAO is a humor/satire site.

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