Links of the Day

Margilowry, Serenity’s Journal, and The Fire Ant Gazette all complained about how Rachel Lucas has two links on my blogroll and asked why they can’t be there instead. Well, guess what, just for complaining, she’s now on there three times!
Pavefrance also threatened me to be on my blogroll. Well, sorry, I’m for bombing, not paving. I want France to be a wasteland that is never touched again.
Anyway, my blogroll is getting big. Maybe I should have an application form for new blogs to be added. I think I’m arrogant enough to do that.
Oh, and a new Carnival of the Vanities is up. This one isn’t giving me as much hits as last time; I think it should be a new rule for the Carnival that my link is always first.
There were other things out there I wanted to link to today, but I forgot now. Just search around the blogroll until you find something interesting.
Oh, and I’m having trouble thinking of something funny to write about tomorrow. Toss a suggestion to help me hack something out in the morning. ‘night.


  1. Funny huh? I’m not sure much can top career day. That was just great Frank. I had to stop reading it in class for fear I would burst out in laughter. I think we should be able to read about Buck the Marine and Rumsfeld in the bar myself. Hey look, in walks Daschle for a few drinks with a big bandage on his nose…

  2. I think you should start a series on the democrat presidential candidates – sort of like SNL celebrity jeopardy
    now get al sharpton involved… something funny always comes from that

  3. You’re such a cutie, Frank J. Monkeyface. I wasn’t COMPLAINING. I love Rachel. In fact, she’s my Blogmamma, damnit. I’m afraid she’s going to be a little upset with me though, since I’ve not written one damned “serious” piece since day one AND I’ve become such a link HO.
    As for funny? Frank, you could slide on the lovefest of Career Day for a while. But as hilarious as your IMW pieces are, I have a feeling your “block” is only temporary.

  4. Here’s a suggestion: explain to us (in your uniquely insightful way) why the U.S. is involved in negotiations with 117 countries under the “auspices” of the WorldHealthOrg to reduce tobacco use worldwide, rather than Kyotoizing the matter.

  5. Your IMW articles are the highlight of my day, and my roommate has learned to associate the particular evil snickering that emminates from my computer as being evidence that I am reading your works and doing my best to contain my mirth.
    For further funnies, it might be interesting to do a real world article talking about opinion on the home front as a function of time. You could factor out the opinions of those who don’t matter (filthy hippies, communists, anyone 5 generations or less descended from the Fr**ch, etc.) and speak about the average Joe American point of view. For the readers, it could be quite the interesting discussion.

  6. Surely have the C-in-C in a fighter plane heading off the West Coast brings things to mind for IMW – I’m thinking, Rummy on the bridge and carriers deploying to the Sea of Japan, a little Pyongyang fly-over, eh??? Cheers!

  7. The only President we have is landing on a pitching carrier deck this evening to give a speech…Dick Cheney is doing a walkthrough of the White House with a decorator, discussing the changes he will make if some Commie Seagull gets sucked into Bush’s engine, or if Bush’s Victory Roll goes drastically awry…
    Now THAT’s entertainment!

  8. Hey, I’ve got an idea… if the Brits and US bombed every inch of France with those concrete bombs, then IMAO and Pave France could both be happy! I mean, France would be bombed and paved! Everyone wins!
    And heck, the UN couldn’t technically complain about it, either; all of the strikes would be specifically targetted with no collateral damage. Of course, they would complain anyway, but they’d be next.

  9. I’m going to add like seven more links to you on my blogroll, Frank. Just because I love you.
    And Margi, woman, you know I lurve you. I’ll prove it to you, sweetiedarling!
    Oh and Frank, you are physically incapable of NOT being funny. Yesterday’s IMW is more funny than most people are in their entire godforsaken lives, bud!

  10. The “Bush Lands on Aircraft Carrier” thing ought to provide some good material for a post.
    Or you could have another poll and let readers choose from the different suggestions here for your next topic. Of course, one of the choices should be monkey. Or maybe “Monkey Lands on Aircraft Carrier.”

  11. Frank–
    Wasn’t complaining, was merely pointing out a fact. As I stated, perhaps there was now an opening and was merely suggesting that some of the people who had written earlier could now be considered.
    I’m not an official blogger…why would I ask to be put down in a blog roll?

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