E-mail Response

When I wrote back to those defending Michael Moore, I didn’t get a response from mm lover, but I did from Chris Ball. For the sake of completeness, here it is:

Talking of bombing countries, Britain would be a great place to bomb next. We have all the ingredients needed. Crazy leader, plenty of weapons of mass destruction and we’ve just produced a couple of suicide bombers therefore proving our links with Osama. Saying that, I think America possesses one or two of these traits too.
We’ve also got oil, apparently it is running out so whoever wants it needs to take action and quick.
On your other points, American’s probably aren’t as bad as I first made out. Mind, you certainly are a bunch of crazy buggers even if you mean well
with it.
Thanks for your response.

Crazy bunch of buggers who mean well. I’ll accept that.
Arkat plagiarized followed the meme of my filthy lies. He ended up getting an Instalance, and since he linked to me in the post, I got a piece of the action. When I e-mailed him a little thank you, I CC’d to Glenn Reynolds and got this sinister response:

The beauty of this, of course, is that if anyone ever comes up with *real* incriminating pictures of me, nobody will believe them.

He’s using my filthy lies to his own advantage! I’ll have to come up with the filthiest lie of all this Saturday to show him.
BTW, there is now an animated .gif of Reynolds dancing added to the last filthy lie.

No Comments

  1. We are a bunch of crazy buggers and we mostly mean well. (Except for Glenn Reynolds, he always means evil.)
    I like that, I might start signing my email that way.
    Crazy bugger, but I mean well.

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