Links of the Day

Rachel Corrie died a tragic death, but it’s still entertaining to make fun of the ignorant jackass as Laurence Simon proves. (I always link the post instead of the picture; I’m a courteous blogger).
Advice for new bloggers:
John Hawkins
Eugene Volokh
N.Z. Bear
I guess later I may have to write own tips for generating traffic. I guess one tip is to be the first person to write humorous phony press conferences involving Donald Rumsfeld. That worked for me.
Kevin finds an interesting looking road sign out in his Undisclosed Middle Eastern Country™. My guess is it says kendo students are required to buckle up.
There is now competition to the Slutpublicans. It’s an all out slut fight.

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  1. ha,ha,ha…you guys are great. I love ya both. Keep up the great work. I might even have to donate some money via paypal and buy a book (or four!) when they come out.
    Oh…and just a comment on the events of today…
    Can anyone else imagine Al Gore doing a carrier trap, smiling about it, and then giving a speech on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier at sea? I certainly can’t. Thank God for such a Commander in Chief. ’nuff said.

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