Links of the Day and Announcements

Damn, I hate the sun now. I’m so red, I almost want to start complaining about how the pale-faces stole my land. Well, lesson learned is that SPF 15 is not enough for Irish skin. Anyhoo…
Bill Whittle, infamous windbag who writes voluminous essays as a service to insomniacs, dodges the question about his shady military past, tries to defame me, and then goes commercial by announcing his next essay will be about the woman from the Matrix and it will be out just in time for the sequel. He has comments open this time, so make sure you tell him that you hate him.
Emperor Misha I fisks an article about Molly Ivins. I’m getting tired of hating Michael Moore; let’s hate Molly Ivins for a change.
Jay Solo has a vote for which is the best answer for what IMAO stands for. I like “Interlopers May Argue Otherwise”.
As for announcements, I may not have mentioned it before, but I am super-duper smart, so I’m thinking of making a new section where readers ask me questions. Ask me anything such as why is the sky blue, what is the leading theory on the extinction of dinosaurs, or what is the best caliber to shoot a monkey with. Whether the question is scientific, mathematical, or philosophical, you can’t stump Frank J. Just e-mail me your questions with the subject header “Frank Answers”.


  1. I’m ahead of you, Frank. I was going to school in the early 70s at UT Austin and got to know Ivens (not in the bibical sense) through a mutual friend. She was a jerk then.
    I’ve disliked her longer than you’ve been alive.

  2. The FAQ is a one note joke, and I have no plans to expand it. These questions will be answered in a new segment entitled “Frank Answers”, and only e-mailed questions will be answered (so your question won’t be). I hope that clears things up.

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