Links of the Day

Even I have to admit this is one awesome t-shirt. At least Russel isn’t selling it in competition of my Nuke the Moon t-shirt. Did I mention I had a t-shirt for my site?
Courtney decided to make a 100 list just like Annika.
Remind me, did Bill Whittle used to write essays? It’s been so long I can’t remember.

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  1. Frank, regarding the Whittlemeister: Do you know how long it takes to write an essay when you can’t use monkeys or ninjas as your main theme? Sheesh, I figured that you being super smart would have realized that !

  2. You run a rather humorous site, and therefore have certain qualities that cannot be overlooked. However, as a human being, you are not admirable. You have the virtues that would have been mentioned as desirable by premodern despots: loyalty, simplicity, arrogance, bravery, stupidity. But you are wholly destitute of those higher virtues that are so notable and needed of an American citizen.

  3. I think those ‘higher virtues that are so notable and needed of an American citizen.’ are on sale at Wal-Mart this week. Go buy them and show that Thomas Ashdown how a real premodern despot can write humor !! ( obviously lost on some people..!)

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