Know Thy Enemy: Pirates

It’s fun to talk like a pirate, but, in reality, they are murderous thugs. Thus, I think it’s appropriate I have my crack research staff find some important facts about them.
* Pirates operate by boarding your ship, killing everyone on board, and stealing your treasure. So, if pirates ask to board, tell them no.
* You may be able to avoid getting attacked by pirates if you drape a sign over the side of your vessel reading, “Radio Broken”.
* If you are captured by pirates, fight back by throwing all their oranges overboard. Now they’ll all get scurvy – whatever the f–k that is.
* Since piracy really ended centuries ago, my main concern when encountering pirates would be how to get back to my own time. Cryogenics was piss-poor in the 17th century – hell, it’s hard enough to get a bag of ice – so you’ll have to try some other option.
* Even though pirates sail all the seven seas, they’re apparently based in Pittsburgh, PA.
* When fighting pirates, you may think the man with the big hat is the leader, but it’s actually the parrot on his shoulder. Take that bird out first!
* In a fight between Aquaman and pirates, Aquaman would… wait a second, a fight on the sea; Aquaman would actually be competent here. I don’t think there’s a joke to this one.
* A lot of people when boarding your ship may claim to be pirates, but make sure to ask for identification. If someone is murdering your crew and stealing your booty but doesn’t have the proper ID, make sure to report it to the pirate union.
* While pirates tend to use the peg to replace a lost leg, it doesn’t work as well to replace a lost arm, nose, or ears.
* Be careful of a pirate who lost a hand; them hooks is pointy!
* Those muskets take like a minute to reload, so, if a pirate fires at you and misses, time for a pound’n.
* The cannon the pirates have may or may not be loaded, but don’t check it by just sticking your head down the barrel. You at least need a match first or you won’t be able to see.
* The pirate flag of skull and cross bones is called the “Jolly Roger” because whoever decided to name it was really gay.
* Jolly Ranchers have no relation to the Jolly Roger… that I know of. To be on the safe side, though, if you see a bunch of Jolly Rancher wrappers lying about, be prepared for a pirate attack!
* If someone boards your land going vessel and steals it, that’s a carjacker, not a pirate. You can still run him through with a cutlass, though.
* If you see a man with a long beard, it could be the fearsome Blackbeard the pirate! If the beard is somewhat light colored, he’s probably just a member of ZZ Top. Either way, use caution.
* The most fearsome pirate these days is some Middle Easterner known as Kazaa.
* If you’re really worried about pirates, go to Taco Bell. I’ve never seen one there, and I like their chalupas.
* The main thing to remember about pirates is that they are more scared of you than you are of them. Just stand your ground, wave your arms in the air, and yell and that should scare them off.

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  1. Some good stuff, Maynard!

    One of the worst things about waking up in the middle of the night with a panic attack is you’re just wrung out the rest of the day. Luckily, although I have to open the theater my assistant will be closing it, so I don’t have to stay til midnight….

  2. Pirate Talk

    Jen and someone name Pete have hijacked the comments section on Frank’s pirate post. They’ve used about every pirate term imaginable. Good thing it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day or it would all be pretty silly. Those who watched Survivor…

  3. Just a minor nitpick, really, but there are still pirates on the seas. They mostly operate in SE Asia. To compound the problem, China has a tendency of siezing ships which fly the flag of nations with whom China has territorial disputes, and it ends up getting blamed on pirates. So not many nations are really willing to do anything about the problem.

  4. Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day I refused to

    I refused to talk like a pirate today, but I will offer you Frank J’s Know Thy Enemy: Pirates. Jolly Ranchers have no relation to the Jolly Roger… that I know of. To be on the safe side, though, if you see a bunch of Jolly Rancher wrappers lying abou…

  5. IMAO Blogiversary!!!

    Today, July 9th, 2004, IMAO hits Blogiversary Number Two, Dos, Zwei, Deux, Dois, Twee, etc.!!!!!! My favorite all-time Frank J. post is Know Thy Enemy: Hamas and here’s some of his great work: * You know, Hamas could just

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