“May the Schwartz be with you!”

Merchandise! Merchandise! Merchandise!
I like the idea of Merchandise. You people want something, I supply it for you and get money, and we’re both happy. The Nuke the Moon t-shirt is nearing the end of its run, and I want to try and come up with a new product. I would like to stick with ThoseShirts.com because Doug there does an awesome job with his products as anyone who owns the Nuke the Moon t-shirt and especially the new Misha mug can attest (not to degrade the Rachel Lucas mug which I also own and is quite lovely).
People mention they would like an In My World™ themed t-shirt, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough readers yet to sustain such a product which that would only appeal to regular readers. Instead, I would like to try to think of something that might appeal to people who have never seen my site, maybe using a quote from one of my In My World™ posts. One recent suggestion is the quote, “The most powerful thing known to man is a pissed-off American.” I was thinking it could have an image of Buck the Marine with the American flag in the background. Another suggestion was a “Hell’s Democrats” t-shirt with the slogan “I’m gonna cut me a ‘publican!” but that probably would appeal to a different audience.
I really need your help here, guys. Is there any quote of mine you think would make a good product? Would you want a mug instead of a t-shirt? Do you not care for a product at all? I’d mainly be selling it to you, my readers, so I’d really appreciate it if everyone comments on what they think.

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  1. Frank, I think you already thought of the it. There’s a big
    audience too:
    “I think it would be cool to find a big pile of manure, put a baseball cap on top, take a picture of me standing next to it, and then post the picture on my webpage saying, “Hey, look! I met Michael Moore!””

  2. Buck the Marine, machine gun ready, standing over the inscription:
    “Freedom. Or else”.
    (also, a Latin translation would be cool)
    Rumsfeld, looking angry:
    “I don’t do diplomacy”
    (actual quote)
    Condi, looking imperial, perhaps draped in a robe and sitting on a throne.
    (nothing more necessary)
    The whole gang:
    “Bring it on……We’re 2-0. Who wants some?”
    Just suggestions, of course.

  3. Granted, I know those aren’t your quotes, but they use your themes, so….
    However, how about a revised-for-wearability version of the Frank Gun Control Challenge:
    “If any of your gun control arguments can stop my bullet, you win.”
    Or similar.

  4. It’s really too early for me to be very coherent, but I like both of your suggestions, Frank, and agree with Doug that a series of “Know Thy Enemy”s would be awesome. I’ll post more when I think of something, an when I’ve woken up a bit.

  5. Lady Executioner’s mind controlling rays are finally penetrating the skull of Frank J. (Turning on full volume)
    Make us T-shirts! Make us mugs! Make us BBQ aprons! Or your mind will melt, you will turn into a monkey and will not get a cent of profit! Bwahhhh!
    I vote for the Warmonger’s Gang Line.
    Bring it on!

  6. I don’t think the In My World audience is too small to pull off a T-shirt. As a regular, I would buy one, and I think most other regulars would actually rather have an IMW than a NTM shirt (as if they don’t already!) I came here to read the NTM, but stayed for IMW.
    Just an idea: solicit artists for drawing up a group picture of the characters. Offer credit on the shirt, and some publicity through the site for the winning artist, or perhaps a % of the shirts would be in order.

  7. A Hell’s Democrats theme would be great.
    You could market it to the lefty bloggers and sell it like hot cakes.
    Imagine having all sorts of lefties from moderate democrat all the way out to smelly moonbat hippy financing IMAO…the irony.

  8. I would like my picture on your T-shirts. For every t-shirt you sell I will have a gun melted down in your name.
    Please remember, my head is so big, that all t-shirts sold will have to be XXXL.
    Thank you.
    Michael Moore

  9. I gotta say i’m dissapointed that the Nuke the Moons are gonna run out soon…my whole family was planning on getting one for Hannukah. On the other hang, a shirt with the In My World gang would be pretty freakin awesome, and if it looked cool i would definately buy it (as would probably my brothers and father).

  10. You definately need a 2-0 t-shirt, with the rumsfeld quote, i’m just not sure if “the gang” goes as well as Buck imposed on an American Flag. Your patriotism would appeal to everyone except commies, who haven’t bought a new t-shirt in 5 years anyway, and monkeys, who don’t wear t-shirts.

  11. Hey Frank, did you see this in Best of The Web? Damn Monkees…
    Monkey Antibusiness
    New research suggests that monkeys are Democrats, the Associated Press reports:
    In a recent study, brown capuchin monkeys trained to exchange a granite token for a cucumber treat often refused the swap if they saw another monkey get a better payoff–a grape.
    Instead, they often threw the token, refused to eat the piece of cucumber, or even gave it to the other capuchin after viewing the lopsided deal, said Emory University researcher Sarah Brosnan.
    She said the results indicate man and monkey may have inherited a sense of fairness from an evolutionary ancestor.
    Next question: If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, would they eventually write a speech for Howard Dean?

  12. OOOOOOOh, yeah, what Tom said! I’d be torn, because while I’m actually a democrat and would like to wear a “gonna cut me a ‘publican” T-shirt, I’m a pretty strident warmonger who thinks the great General savior of the democratic party must have REALLY sucked as a general, because he didn’t get ANYTHING right he pontificated about on CNN.

  13. You need shirts with lots of violence on them.
    like napalm falling on people and burning them really bad…….that would kick ass.
    you need drawings of american soldiers giving terrorists headshots. you need terrorists with
    missing limbs and dead corpses all over the place and american soldiers standing on their dead bodies .
    kinda like this picture:

  14. I love the “2-0” idea as well as the “pissed-off American” idea… I’d buy either (or both).
    By the way, this is the first time I’ve posted here but I’ve been reading you for a while. You’ve got one of the best sites on the internet, and one of very few I check every day.

  15. I would definately have to put my vote in for Buck the Marine or Hell’s Democrats. I also like the idea of the different meanings of IMAO. That’s definately a way to get your name out, and I myself have spend many hours pondering that very idea…what DOES it stand for????

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