In My World: Visit from the Parents

“Well, place looks just like I remember her,” Bush Sr. said, taking a look around while he entered the White House.
“I remember it being tidier,” Barbara Bush said and then looked to Laura, “You need to keep it clean in here to give a good impression to the tourists.”
“It’s is clean,” Laura asserted angrily, “and they haven’t had tours of the Whitehouse because of 9-11.”
“Maybe they just told you it was because of 9-11,” Barbara said, “but I bet it really was because people were getting embarrassed of the appearance of the White House.”
Laura looked to her husband to do something. “Mom and Dad, it’s great to see you two!” Dubya exclaimed, “I gotta show you the new HDTV; they didn’t have that during your term.”
“Very nice. We can watch a football game,” Bush Sr. said.
“And that will give me time to show you how to properly decorate,” Barbara told Laura.
Laura just steamed silently.
“We need to talk,” Scott McClellan said, approaching Dubya.
“Who’s this dork?” Bush Sr. asked.
“That’s my new White House Press Secretary,” Dubya told him, “I sure miss Ari, because he’s such a dweeb.”
“I’m standing right here,” Scott said angrily.
“I know,” Dubya answered, rolling his eyes, “What do you want?”
“There are allegations that you’ve been funneling money away from lunches for underprivileged school children to help fund baby seal clubbing.”
“Man, I was hoping that story wouldn’t break for a couple more months,” Dubya said, “Just give the press the standard line.”
“Standard line?” Scott repeated, confused.
“Yeah, the standard line.”
“What’s that?”
Bush groaned. He then fetched a handgun from a nearby drawer. “If the press keep on asking questions, threatening to murder them all.”
“Threaten to murder them all?” Scott said with surprise as he took the gun.
“There you got it,” Dubya declared, and then handed Scott another clip, “Here, you’ll need more ammo to back up your threat.”
“I’m not actually supposed to kill them, am I?”
“Do I have to explain everything to you?” Dubya asked angrily, “Now shoo! I’m talking to my parents.”
“I don’t think that throw rug goes with the room,” Barbara told Laura.
“Thanks for your opinion,” Laura said, holding back her anger. She then looked to Dubya. “Can we talk for a moment, honey?”
“Sure, dear,” Dubya answered, the two of them moving out of earshot of his parents.
“You’re mother won’t stop criticizing me,” Laura said sternly.
“Well, maybe she has a point about you not being a very good wife,” Dubya offered.
Laura thought about that for a moment and then responded.
“Ahh! My groin! I need that from time to time!” Dubya yelled as he collapsed to the ground. He then recovered and stood back up. “Come on, Laura; I know you’re smart enough to know not to ask me for advice.”
“I don’t want your advice; I want you to try and do something about it.”
“Okay,” Dubya said, and walked back toward his parents.
“So where are my grandkids?” Barbara asked.
“Hell if I know,” Dubya answered, shrugging his shoulders.
“They’re at college right now,” Laura said.
Condoleezza Rice now approached. “Something important has come up.”
“Is this your maid,” Bush Sr. asked.
“No, she’s my National Security Advisor,” Dubya told him, “She’s really smart.”
“Having a black woman on your staff – that’s very forward thinking of you son,” Bush Sr. praised Dubya.
“You never told me you were black,” Dubya said to Condi with surprise.
“Don’t worry; I know how to talk to her, son,” Bush Sr. remarked. He then turned to Condi. “So what’s the dealio, sistah-girl?”
Condi took a deep breath and unclenched her fist. “Crazed General Wesley Clark is causing trouble on the West Coast,” she said, “As part of his campaign, he’s attacking everyone with his army of cybernetic, ninja monkeys.”
They turned on a T.V. There stood Clark, riding atop a tank. “Muh ha ha ha!” he laughed as destruction reigned about him. “Soon I will have the nomination. Then the White House will be mine! And then the world! Muh ha ha ha!”
“I don’t think that cape is standard military issue,” Dubya remarked.
“Should we do something?” Condi asked.
“Bah; the West Coast is like hundreds of miles away,” Dubya said.
“It’s just standard Democrat primary antics,” Bush Sr. commented, “It’ll all stop when it’s sure who’s got the nomination.” He then looked to son. “Could we talk privately for a moment?”
Dubya led his father to the Oval Office. “I’m glad you followed in your father’s footsteps, boy,” Bush Sr. said, “but I hoped things would have been easier for you. Instead, you got all this terrorism to deal with.”
“I’m handling it,” Dubya assured, “I have a good staff.”
“Great. You know, a father always wants things to be better for his son. What I’m saying is that I want you to be a two-termer and not make the same mistakes as your old man. So, are you going to get Saddam?”
“He’s out of power, and we’re hunting him down.”
“And are you also taking care of the economy?”
“We’ve cut taxes and things are improving.”
“That’s a good boy,” Bush Sr. said, patting Dubya on the head.
“Thanks for explaining to me how everything I do is wrong,” Laura said with a forced smile as she entered the room along with Barbara.
Suddenly Condi came running in the room followed by Zatoichi. “The White House is under attack by terrorists!” she exclaimed.
“Awww!” Bush moaned, “and when my parents are visiting.”
“Who’s that guy?” Bush Sr. asked, looking at Ichi.
“He’s a blind samurai we hired as a Secret Service agent because of the People with Disabilities Act.”
“Back when I was president, we had enough money to hire better protection than a blind Chinaman,” Bush Sr. remarked.
“I’m Japanese,” Ichi shot back harshly.
“He’s really good,” Dubya assured his father, “but I think we’ll need more help for this.” Dubya picked up the phone. “Agent Smith, we’re under attack. Get the Secret Service to handle it.”
“I’m afraid right now it’s are union mandated fifteen minute break,” Agent Smith answered, “If we do work while it’s supposed to be break time, we’ll get in big trouble with the union.”
“Why did the Secret Service have to unionize?” Dubya grumbled as he slammed down the phone. “Ichi-san, will you help us?”
“Five ryo,” he answered.
“But you took all my ryo yesterday in that dice game!” Dubya exclaimed.
“I have some Spanish doubloons in my purse if that helps,” Barbara said.
“Offer accepted,” Ichi remarked, drawing the sword from his cane.
“Instead of just relying on a blind swordsman, I also stored some automatic rifles in here for just such an incident,” Laura said, opening a closet that was full of weaponry.
“Wow! You even have a spare cowboy hat,” Dubya said, taking the hat and putting it on.
Barbara took a rifle. “You really should have coated these in oil a bit more before you stored them.”
“That’s important for gun care,” Condi remarked.
“Don’t you get on my case too!” Laura shouted angrily as she chambered a round in her M-16.
Zatoichi listened carefully. “The terrorists are almost on us.”
Father and son stood next to each other holding rifles. “Bring it on.”

“What an eventful past couple hours,” Bush Sr. remarked.
“Quite a battle it was,” Dubya said, “One for the record books.”
“I’ll need to get my sword sharpened,” Ichi commented.
“And it sure was a surprise to find out who was behind the terrorist attack all along,” Barbara said.
“That was surprising,” Condi remarked.
“And it’s interesting how events came together to bring a better understanding between Barbara and me so now that we’re best friends,” Laura said.
“That was quite interesting,” Dubya commented.
“And I didn’t know you could disco dance like that, son,” Bush Sr. said to Dubya.
“When the honor of Outer-Mongolia is at stake, there is little I can’t do,” Dubya stated firmly.
“I’m also glad how all this taught me the true meaning of International Talk Like a Pirate Day,” Condi said, “To think I had been so obsessed with just the commercialism of that holiday.”
“I think we all learned many important things from those highly eventfully past couple hours,” Bush declared, “More than we can just casually remark about right now.”
Scott came running up towards them, covered in blood. “Well, I killed all the press.”
“What!” Dubya exclaimed in horror, “You were just supposed to threaten them!”
Scott started laughing. “I’m just covered in paint. I’d thought I’d play a joke on you like you do on me so we’d be like friends and all.”
“I’LL MURDER YOU FOR TRICKING ME!” Dubya screamed, grabbing Scott by the throat and shaking him, “I’M THE @%*& PRESIDENT! YOU DON’T DO THIS TO ME!”
Bush Sr. chuckled. “That’s my boy!”

More Poll Results

Arrr! Here be… whoops, that time has passed. Anyway, here are some more poll results.
Who wants a mug of monkey slurry?
How many monkeys can actually fit in a barrel?
6 – 10 votes (2%)
8 – 11 votes (2%)
10 – 13 votes (3%)
It varies with how fine a pulp you can grind them into first – 410 votes (92%)
I thought the Jews would get more votes since I biased the poll by adding the word “meddling”.
“We would have gotten away with it to if it weren’t for you meddling Jews!”

Who is most responsible for the violence in the Middle East?
Those meddling Jews – 10 votes (2%)
The Muslims – 159 votes (32%)
Pauly Shore – 58 votes (12%)
Who cares; let’s just steal their oil – 272 votes (55%)
I vote for the last two together.
World peace…
…is attainable in our lifetime. – 6 votes (1%)
…will take centuries to finally accomplish. – 18 votes (4%)
…is impossible since conflict is part of the human condition. – 129 votes (32%)
…would suck ass. I want to kill me some for’ners! – 253 votes (62%)
Yeah, the Hulk is a pushover.
Who is more fierce when angry?
Donald Rumsfeld – 130 votes (29%)
Bruce Banner – 10 votes (2%)
Chomps, the World’s Angriest Dog – 140 votes (31%)
Wolverine – 40 votes (9%)
Hillary Clinton – 131 votes (29%)
In Spiderman’s defense, he takes on people with guns all the time, but I bet Dirty Harry is just too tough and resourceful for him.
Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Dirty Harry?
Answers Percent Votes
Spiderman – 95 votes (23%)
Dirty Harry – 290 votes (71%)
It’s a tie – 21 votes (5%)
Probably the largest tie vote so far. Poor Aquaman.
Who would win in a fight between Aquaman and Robin?
Aquaman – 89 votes (28%)
Robin – 125 votes (40%)
It’s a tie – 100 votes (32%)
Everything is a good excuse to bomb the French.
What should we do to ensure we don’t have another giant power outage?
Have more regulations on electric companies. – 3 votes (1%)
Update computer systems running the grids. – 24 votes (5%)
Bomb Canada. – 68 votes (18%)
4. Bomb France. – 372 votes (76%)
I thought the answer to this was obvious. Smite! Smite! Smite!
What would be the first thing you would do if you were God for a day?
Fiddle around with the structure of the universe to see if I can get pi to equal exactly 3 – 130 votes (30%)
Rob a liquor store (who could stop me?) – 22 votes (5%)
Stop believing in myself (I’m an atheist) – 17 votes (4%)
Smite, smite, smite until the sun goes down – 267 votes (61%)
I’ll try and come up with some more polls. I’ve added some I’d like everyone to answer labeled DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION. Right now I have one about gender and the other age.

Links of the Day

Arrr! That’s why I like Fox News; even they were talking like pirates today. Shepherd Smith did his best (“Batten down the hatches, you motherless whelps!”), but you could hear the stagehands in the background doing some great, “Arrr!” Brings some chills to the heart to this scurvy seadog.
Uber-essay writer Whitler is considering an interesting career option, and wants your opinion. Give it, says I.
I vote for this entry in the New Blog Showcase because Susie tells me to. Everyone in the Alliance needs to link to one of the entries as well or it’s the tip of me sword. Arrr!
Aye, the water has been rough because of this she-devil known as Isabel. jfielek has video of the storm in action. Shiver me timbers!
Yarr! Jared informs Captain Poopypants of all the people that would be need’n a recall for a liberal dreamworld to come true. Probably no room for us pirates in such a hell.

In My World™ Quotes

I’ve had a number of great honors since I started blogging, but this has to be one of the best. John Hawkins has taken time from his busy schedule of getting interviews with people like Milton Friedman and Ann Coulter to compile a list of quotes from my In My World™ series. I assume all of my readers will love it, so go check it out, and maybe we can up with a good idea for a t-shirt or mug from it.

Know Thy Enemy: Pirates

It’s fun to talk like a pirate, but, in reality, they are murderous thugs. Thus, I think it’s appropriate I have my crack research staff find some important facts about them.
* Pirates operate by boarding your ship, killing everyone on board, and stealing your treasure. So, if pirates ask to board, tell them no.
* You may be able to avoid getting attacked by pirates if you drape a sign over the side of your vessel reading, “Radio Broken”.
* If you are captured by pirates, fight back by throwing all their oranges overboard. Now they’ll all get scurvy – whatever the f–k that is.
* Since piracy really ended centuries ago, my main concern when encountering pirates would be how to get back to my own time. Cryogenics was piss-poor in the 17th century – hell, it’s hard enough to get a bag of ice – so you’ll have to try some other option.
* Even though pirates sail all the seven seas, they’re apparently based in Pittsburgh, PA.
* When fighting pirates, you may think the man with the big hat is the leader, but it’s actually the parrot on his shoulder. Take that bird out first!
* In a fight between Aquaman and pirates, Aquaman would… wait a second, a fight on the sea; Aquaman would actually be competent here. I don’t think there’s a joke to this one.
* A lot of people when boarding your ship may claim to be pirates, but make sure to ask for identification. If someone is murdering your crew and stealing your booty but doesn’t have the proper ID, make sure to report it to the pirate union.
* While pirates tend to use the peg to replace a lost leg, it doesn’t work as well to replace a lost arm, nose, or ears.
* Be careful of a pirate who lost a hand; them hooks is pointy!
* Those muskets take like a minute to reload, so, if a pirate fires at you and misses, time for a pound’n.
* The cannon the pirates have may or may not be loaded, but don’t check it by just sticking your head down the barrel. You at least need a match first or you won’t be able to see.
* The pirate flag of skull and cross bones is called the “Jolly Roger” because whoever decided to name it was really gay.
* Jolly Ranchers have no relation to the Jolly Roger… that I know of. To be on the safe side, though, if you see a bunch of Jolly Rancher wrappers lying about, be prepared for a pirate attack!
* If someone boards your land going vessel and steals it, that’s a carjacker, not a pirate. You can still run him through with a cutlass, though.
* If you see a man with a long beard, it could be the fearsome Blackbeard the pirate! If the beard is somewhat light colored, he’s probably just a member of ZZ Top. Either way, use caution.
* The most fearsome pirate these days is some Middle Easterner known as Kazaa.
* If you’re really worried about pirates, go to Taco Bell. I’ve never seen one there, and I like their chalupas.
* The main thing to remember about pirates is that they are more scared of you than you are of them. Just stand your ground, wave your arms in the air, and yell and that should scare them off.

Arrr! Going for the Obvious Joke

Here is the first every audio entry for my blog. Be forewarned, LAN-lubbers, it’s in .wma format, so you better have pirated yourself a Windows Media Player. Arrr!

Pirate Answers: Keeping People in California, Teflon, and Damn Whatcha-Ma-Callits

Time for some advice from a pirate, ye LAN-lubbers. Now listen carefully to what old Captain J. has to say before I have to keelhaul the whole lot of you.
Jason H. from Austin, Texas writes:
I‘ve been hearing a lot about how a lot of Californians are leaving California. It’s only a matter of time before they could damage their status as the state with the most electoral votes and I’m sure that a “brain drain” has already occurred. Is it possible that in the not-so-far-off future that the Californians might build a wall around their state in order to keep what brains, jobs and money they have left from leaving, much like the Communists in East Berlin did? It is a liberal utopia, after all? Thanks
Arrr! I say keep them all in California. We don’t want their kind befouling our fair ports. Barricade the whole state, and keeps ship patrolling it’s coastline, boarding and cutting the throats of anyone who dares try to leave. Just be careful of that Captain Schwarzenegger; he hails from lands far way and could be quite tough. Stories say a musket ball would bounce right off his hide.
Cat Malingowski from York, PA asks:
If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does it stick to the pan?
Sound like witchcraft to me. I find anyone with one of these “Teflon” cooking utensils, I would be fearful of what other sorcery he or she may be capable of. A sturdy cutlass may not be enough to keep you safe from ones such as these. Burn them at the stake, I say; and do it on land, far from me ship.
MonkeyPants the Imperial Falconer writes
A variation on the “Worst figures of the 20th Century”:
You have a gun and a time machine. Who in history would you go back and erase?

Yarrr! That’s an easy one. I would train my musket on whomever invented those damn plastic packaging where you have two solid pieces of hard, clear plastic sealed together, often used for lots of electronics equipment and memory cards. Ye know what I’m talking about? You try to find some edge to pull the halves apart, but usually I end up having to jaggedly cut out the hidden booty with me cutlass. Instead of burying treasure, I could just put it in one of these packaging and it keep it safe for all eternity. Arrr!

Please keep the booty coming, <a href=”mailto:THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMace you’re from, you’ll be swimming with the sharks!

Comic Review: El Cazador

Arrr! The captain of me galleon has gifted me with yet another comic book. That’s two comics in one month, but, if ye average me comic reading over the past decade, I read about one comic every five years.
The comic is called El Cazador, issue 1, October 2003 (wait, it ain’t October yet unless I overslept this morning). It is published by CrossGen; apparently there are other comic book companies than D.C. and Marvel. Even an old sailor like me can learn a thing or two. The comic is, appropriately, all about piracy. So, is this comic so grand a tale that I should immediately find a desert isle to bury it on along with me gold, or should I use it’s pages to ship-train the bilge rats? Well, I’ll tell ye.

Much unlike the comic of that scourge of the seas, Aquaman, which had great artwork on the cover but much more rudimentary drawings inside, the cover is, in my murderous opinion, the worst of the drawings (and the jpeg above doesn’t even do that justice; arrr!). It looks like they spent days drawing and painting each panel of this comic (see some samples here).
As for the writing, the prose remains quit true to the time period (far as I know), and the action depicts much piratey murderousness and the sounds of hell’s bells. It starts with an attack on a Spanish galleon, some pirates killing the crew while a mysterious pirate with a wooden hand watches over (and I think he’s missing an eye, but he’s always in the shadows).
When the stolen vessel sets sail, it’s found a saucy lass still remains aboard, and she kills the captain and takes over the ship, getting the crew to follow her in her pursuit of revenge with promise of great rewards. They call her “Lady Sin”, as her actual Spanish name is too much for a bunch of scurvy ridden bilge rats handle. She rechristens the ship “El Cazador” and sets sail to kill the dreaded Blackjack.
The comic ends with descriptions of some of the pirates and showing how written concept becomes painted panel (just like a DVD feature… but in a comic! Arrr!).
I have to say, it looks to be an interesting story of murderousness and revenge with much attention to the period. If the rest of the comics are this well drawn, I might follow the sirens call into a comic book shop (something I haven’t done since I was a wee lad). Then again, I still think that might make me a dork.


Ahoy, me hearties. Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Me only regret is that this is a non-work day for me, and thus I can’t vex the ‘ell out of me shipmates.
So grab yourself a cup a grog while I regale ye with much piratey-ness. First, some pirate jokes:

It was Halloween, and the first-graders all came into class wearing their costumes. One wee lad came dressed like a pirate [Ed. Note: Arrrrr!], and the schoolmarm sees him and asks jokingly, “So where are your buccaneers?”
And the wee lad answers, “Under me buck’n hat!”

Arrr! That was horrible! Here is an even worst one. Dare ye read it?

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel stuck down his pants. So the bartender asks, “Is that a steering wheel in your pants?”
And the pirate answers, “Arrr! Tis true. It’s driving me nuts!”

Now laugh before I run ye through with me cutlass!
Well, there be the only two pirate jokes I know. Anyway, here is what a pirate keyboard looks like. Arrr! If only I had one of those!
BTW, all comments today have to be in pirate talk or you’re walking the plank!

Links of the Day

I forgot to mention the Carnival of the Vanities yesterday. It’s the one year anniversary and back at Bigwig’s.
Harvey has an example of how to really talk down an anti-American jackass.
Michele really knows how to handle the telemarketers.
Blackfive has the badmouthing Wesley Clark roundup.
Tomorrow is a very special day…

“May the Schwartz be with you!”

Merchandise! Merchandise! Merchandise!
I like the idea of Merchandise. You people want something, I supply it for you and get money, and we’re both happy. The Nuke the Moon t-shirt is nearing the end of its run, and I want to try and come up with a new product. I would like to stick with because Doug there does an awesome job with his products as anyone who owns the Nuke the Moon t-shirt and especially the new Misha mug can attest (not to degrade the Rachel Lucas mug which I also own and is quite lovely).
People mention they would like an In My World™ themed t-shirt, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough readers yet to sustain such a product which that would only appeal to regular readers. Instead, I would like to try to think of something that might appeal to people who have never seen my site, maybe using a quote from one of my In My World™ posts. One recent suggestion is the quote, “The most powerful thing known to man is a pissed-off American.” I was thinking it could have an image of Buck the Marine with the American flag in the background. Another suggestion was a “Hell’s Democrats” t-shirt with the slogan “I’m gonna cut me a ‘publican!” but that probably would appeal to a different audience.
I really need your help here, guys. Is there any quote of mine you think would make a good product? Would you want a mug instead of a t-shirt? Do you not care for a product at all? I’d mainly be selling it to you, my readers, so I’d really appreciate it if everyone comments on what they think.

That Rascally Saddam

Bush says there is no known link between Saddam Hussein and the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, but you should hear all the things that intelligence reports indicate that Saddam is behind.
* You know all that graffiti in New York City? One of those was done by Saddam.
* Getting tired of that tacky neighbor? Well it was Saddam who gave him the pink flamingos.
* You know how only the even numbered Star Trek movies are any good. That’s because Saddam wrote the scripts for all the odd numbered ones.
* Remember the other night when you were woken up by some weird noise at night and thought it was just raccoons? It was actually Saddam.
* When you heard your kids swearing and was like, “Where did they learn that language?” They learned it from Saddam.
* That horrible Pepsi Blue – all Saddam’s idea.
* You know how Perot reentered the presidential race in 1992 and helped get Clinton elected? It was Saddam who convinced him to get back in.
* Remember that time you found your car keyed and you were like, “I’m going to find and kill that bastard who did this!” Well, you better look in Iraq, because it was Saddam.
* You know how people now associate mustaches with being gay. That was all because of Saddam.
* The surge of ninja movies in the eighties – that was funded by Saddam.
* You know of that terrorist group ELF that spray paints SUV’s and sets buildings on fire? Saddam is their main foot soldier.
* Gas prices have gone up lately. That’s not because of Saddam, but you notice how you’ve never seen anyone change those prices at the gas station? It’s Saddam who secretly changes them in the middle of the night.
* You know why Windows is so buggy and has so many security holes in it? Bill Gates told me it’s because of Saddam.
* George Lucas keeps considering putting the original versions of the first three Star Wars movies on DVD, but Saddam keeps convincing him not to.
* You know how Howard Dean is ahead in the polls for the Democratic primary? That’s because he has the backing of Saddam.
* You know why the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals is the most overturned court in the nation? It’s because one of the judges is Saddam.
* MEChA was just going to be a college club about building robots, but Saddam added radical statements about “Bronze Power” to their charter.
* I think he also once was the evil, oppressive, murderous dictator of some country.

A Frank Guide for New Readers

Sorry, no Links of the Day™ today as I ended up spending all my time putting together my guide for new readers (as it is part of my master plan… muh ha ha ha…). I want it as something that can help draw in people first encountering the site to become regular readers. I also ended up not bothering to limit the posts referenced. I would certainly love to hear any critiques or opinions on it.

In My World: Buck the Marine and the Jolly Rancher Bandits

“Why are you filming the G.I.’s helping school children?” CNN’s Lefty Stevens asked Fox News’s Melinda Hawkish, “There’s no story there.”
“I think people would be interested in how war and destruction has improved the lives of the Iraqis,” Melinda answered.
“Bah! Only stories of failure are news worthy,” Stevens answered. Nearby he saw a troop fall to the ground, and he and his cameraman quickly rushed over to film him. “Yet another troop has fallen in this burgeoning quagmire,” Stevens narrated.
“I’m alright,” said Private Gomer, standing up, “I just done tripped on a rock.”
“Dammit!” Stevens exclaimed, “Well scream for us if you are more seriously wounded.”
“What’s wrong with those people?” Buck the Marine asked Melinda.
“They’re just CNN; don’t mind them,” Melinda answered, “So are you ready to show us what you’ve done here?”
“Well… uh… I don’t know if you’re dressed properly,” Buck said, “You might offend the Muslims.”
“But I wore a veil,” Melinda protested.
“Yeah… uh… but not much else.”
“Well, it’s so damn hot here,” Melinda answered.
Some Iraqi men walking buy shouted some thing in Arabic while smiling and whistling at Melinda.
“The Iraqis are so nice,” Melinda smiled, “Anyway, Buck, tell our viewers what you have done for the Iraqi children.”
“Well, since we got a break ‘tween kill’n, we helped them little Iraqi kids by fixing up their school and building them a playground with swings and a teeter-totter and one of them twirly things to make them kids dizzy.”
“We love big American!” shouted one of the kids.
“We love candy, too!” said another.
Buck laughed and tossed the kids some Jolly Ranchers. “We got tons of these candies here,” Buck explained to Melinda, “These Jolly Ranchers are like the only things that won’t melt in the 120 degree weather. Frankly, I’m sick of the damn things, but the kids can’t seem to get enough of them.”
“More candy!” demanded another kid.
Buck laughed. “Don’t worry, little for’ners, we have plenty more… Ow! One of them kids bit me!”
“Quagmire!” Stevens yelled as his cameraman filmed.
“Calm down kids,” Buck told everyone, “There is plenty of candy for everyone.”
“Can I be a big Marine like you, American?” one of the children asked.
“Aww,” Buck answered, “America will make sure you can be anything you want. Now you kids go play in your playground, but be careful; life is not all candy and biting Buck. There are still evil for’ners afoot. And what do you do to evil for’ners?”
“Kill them!” all the Iraqi kids shouted in union.
A tear almost came to Buck’s eye. “That’s some good kids.”

“Since the big American says I can be anything I want,” said an Iraqi boy as he sat on one end of the teeter-totter, “I’m going to own a big corporation. I’m then going to downsize everyone to drive up the value of my stock.”
“I’m going to become an actress,” said the Iraqi girl on the other end of the teeter-totter, “and I’m going to use my fame to speak out about politics even though I’m an idiot.”
Suddenly Baathist thugs came up and knocked them off the teeter-totter. Then they blew it up. “That is what happens to everything made by the American invaders!” yelled one of the Baath party members.
The children started crying. “We’ll tell the big American and he’ll stab you with his knife!” one yelled.
“Muh ha ha ha! No one can stop us!” the thugs laughed as they ran away.

“They blew up the teeter-totter!” Buck exclaimed, barely containing his anger.
“There’s three others,” one soldier said.
“But that was the best one!”
The kids nodded in agreement.
Private Gomer came by rubbing his head. “Someone done hit me on the head.”
“But you were supposed to guard the supply of Jolly Ranchers!” Buck said. He ran to the Jolly Rancher silo. It was empty.
“What was your one job, Private Gomer?” Buck asked angrily.
“To guard the Jolly Ranchers,” Private Gomer answered, looking at his feet.
“And what happened to the Jolly Ranchers?”
“They got stolen,” Priavte Gomer answered, “I’m sorry.”
“You apologize to them little for’ner kids,” Buck told him.
The kids started crying. “No more candy?” asked one tearful youth.
“We’ll see about that,” Buck answered.
“A teeter-totter destroyed and their candy gone, this war has quickly descended into and unending quagmire,” Left Stevens narrated in front of a camera.
“I’ll avenge that teeter-totter and get back that candy or I’m not Buck the Marine,” Buck swore, “There are more things I distribute than candy.” He then chambered a round into his rifle, ejecting the round that was already chambered. “Oh yeah.”

“Now I can film a Marine in action and show how well things are going here,” Melinda said, following Buck with a camera.
“Bah!” Stevens answered, “We’re going to film him being yet another casualty proving how horribly this occupation is going.”
“Quiet you too,” Buck said, slowly moving across the landscape, “I sense foreignness in the air.”
There was a sudden ambush, and, just as suddenly, Buck ended it with fire from his M-16. “Ooh-rah!”
“Yay America!” Melinda yelled.
“Boo!” Lefty Stevens called out.
“The scent of watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers is unmistakable,” Buck said, “They went into that cave over yonder.”
Buck entered the cave followed by the two reporters. Buck was soon attacked, but the resistance was nothing for an experienced Marine. He killed the enemy so quickly he didn’t even feel the need to shout, “Ooh-rah!” in triumph.
“When is he going to get killed?” Stevens exclaimed with exasperation.
Soon they came to large room. Buck crept in carefully, but suddenly light went on and he was surrounded by evil Baathists. “Time to film his death,” a voice called out. At the front of the room stood Christiane Amanpour.
“It’s the war slut!” Melinda yelled.
“Funny words coming from a reporter wearing a bikini,” Amanpour answered.
“And a veil,” Melinda said defensively.
“What are you doing here?” Buck demanded.
A new figure came to stand by Amanpour – one with a bushy mustache. It was Saddam Hussein! “She has agreed to help me get back in power to show what a failure the Bush administration is,” Saddam said, “Then she gets the exclusive. First, though, we kill one more American do-gooder!”
“Wow! So this is how objective journalist do things!” Stevens exclaimed as he backed away to film the action.
“We’re surrounded!” Melinda said, “Do you know what to do?”
“According to the Marine kill’n manual,” Buck answered, “when surrounded you kill everyone… in a circle.”
Buck dropped to the ground as he tossed grenades to each side. Confused by the explosions, Buck then began picking off the enemy with his M-16 as they fired uselessly at him. Buck then set his sights on Saddam.
“You’re going to be know as Saddam Who-dead!” Buck yelled as he charged the former dictator.
“Uh oh!” Saddam yelled as he ducked into a secret passage way. Once Buck got there, all he could see was the flame of an advanced propulsion system.
“Damn Baathists and their rocket cars,” Buck grumbled. He then turned to Amanpour. “You got some answering to do, little lady. Conspiring with the enemy, trying to get a Marine killed – why that has to be one of the least ethical things the left-wing media has done in… well… two or three days.”
“More like eight hours,” Melinda stated, “You need watch more news.”
“Don’t have time with all my kill’n duties,” Buck answered.
“I was just trying to tell the truth,” Amanpour said, “without being intimidated by the Bush administration.” She then looked to Melinda Hawkish. “Or Fox News.”
“I never tried to intimidate you!” Melinda yelled angrily, “I’ll strangle you for saying that!”
Amanpour shrieked and ran away.
Buck now located the stockpile of stolen Jolly Ranchers. “That will make the kids happy.” He then turned to Lefty Stevens. “I hope you learned something about being a more ethical journalist.”
“I haven’t learned anything,” Stevens asserted, “That’s why I work for CNN.”

“Yay big American!” the Iraqi children shouted, “Yay candy!”
“Big American kill all bad people!” said one child proudly.
“Time to get to rebuilding that teeter-totter,” Buck said, picking up some tools.
“So how does it make you feel to see all these happy children,” Melinda asked, holding out her microphone towards Buck.
“Seeing their joyous smiles makes me a happy Marine,” Buck said, “So happy… well… so happy I want to kill evil people.” He thought for a moment. “Oh wait, I always want to kill evil people. Ooh-rah!”

Links of the Day

Emperor Misha I is now a fuzzy wittle bunny.
Michael Williams wants short stories. Hey, I write one every Monday and Wednesday… crap, that’s tomorrow!
Heh heh. Animals getting hurt make funny ads.