Links of the Day

Busy busy busy…
Anyhoo, here are some links!
Meryl Yourish doesn’t seem to like Quentin Tarantino, but I don’t care how good her arguments are because Kill Bill is going to have samurai sword fights and lots of them. Hooray!
Fritz has a topical caption contest.
I don’t get to listen to Rush that often anymore, but I really enjoyed his show. Now there is this ESPN debacle plus the allegations of illegal abuse of painkillers. I hope things turn out well for him, but it doesn’t look good so far. John Hawkins is all over it.
Blackfive has his Shirley Temple awards.
At Press Think there is a critque of Front Line Voices, with special attention to the introduction. What do you think?

Frank Answers: Gun Threats, Traitorous Muslims, Evil KB Monkeys, and More!

Yay! It’s back!
Jason from Ohio writes:
I live in a university campus town, surrounded by liberal democrats, so it’s only a matter of time before my apartment gets broken into and my stuff gets stolen. I don’t own a handgun, and would like to purchase one. What type of handgun would you suggest for someone with little handgun shooting experience (I have fired rifles)? Or is brandishing a toy gun sufficient to scare aware most liberals?
Yes, living aorund liberals can be scary, so it is good to have something to shoot them with. I had a whole series for people unfamiliar with guns, but, in short, I’d reccomend getting a .357 magnum revolver if you want something really simple.
As for brandshing a toy gun, absolutely not. Where guns are concerned, never make a threat you can’t back up.
Bilbus from Pennsville, NJ (the land of stupid gun control and stupider vehicle inspections) asks:
Frank, are all US government-employed muslims, such as the Gitmo boys, terrorist infiltrators, or just the ones they catch?
Not all Muslims are traitors. Why, for every Muslim traitor that is unconvered, there is at least one to two and half Muslims who are completely loyal to America. Thus, it would be unfair to single out Muslims for closer scrutinity. So, as to not hurt their feelings, all minorities should be singled out instead.
Rob W. from Michigan writes:
I work in a mall, there is a K.B. Toys nearby. They have a monkey outside that keeps giving me the evil eye. So my question is… Should I shoot the monkey,
or firebomb K.B. Toys so that the monkeys ninja allies can not retaliate.

Definitely the firebomb. You don’t want to start something with monkeys that you can’t end. Snipe one, and soon you’ll be surrounded by them, all of them hitting you with their tiny fists.
Oh, and when the police ask, you don’t know me and I’ve never given you advice.
Dave F from Burlington, CT asks:
Boxers or Briefs? Coke or Pepsi? Iran or North Korea?
Boxers, Coke, and our you asking to live in, to bomb, or to conquer and rule as king?

Please keep the questions coming, <a href=”mailto:THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMace you’re from, I’ll randomly select one.

Loose Lips Fall Off Faces

There has been a lot of controversy about the leak of the identity of a CIA operative. This is trouble, because leaking classified information can lead to people getting killed, terrorists attacking, and the downfall of society itself – which is bad. So here are some tip to avoid leaks.
10. Use a metal safe to store classified information instead of a taped cardboard box labeled, “Secret! You no read!”.
9. Even though it is kinda funny, don’t hand out “I’m with covert agent” t-shirts to spouses of covert agents.
8. Instead of using the “He’s got an honest face” policy, have full background check on someone before giving him classified information.
7. I don’t care how nice a day it is; don’t have meetings about national security out in the park.
6. Use advance methods to destroy classified documents. It doesn’t matter how much you crumple a piece of paper; there is technology to de-crumple it.
5. Remember: No one cares if you kill a journalist.
4. If you suspect someone of leaking information, hit him with a bat. There will be plenty of time for questions post assault and battery.
3. Before having a meeting which discusses sensitive information, spray the ceiling with a high-powered hose to make sure no ninjas are hiding up there.
2. If you know a bunch of undercover operatives, don’t tell them to Robert Novak. Apparently he writes a column of some sort.
And the number one tip for avoid leaks of sensitive information…
You know the saying, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”? Follow through.