Links of the Day

Everyone remember my hate mail to Michael Moore? Well, in celebration of his new book, tomorrow morning I have a new, even more hateful message for him. Until then… links!
I forgot to link this excellent observation from Kevin of the Primary Main Objective. I guess the Rumsfeld meme (I hate that word!) is spreading.
Is the whole thing with S-Train really becoming some big blogosphere racial incident? Personally, I was surprised to hear about a break-in motivated by white against black racism, but I didn’t think it was implausible.
Here is another interesting example of self-defense.
The Carnivals of the Vanities is up, and I forgot to submit this time. You guys already read me, anyway, though.
BTW, now I’m rooting for the Cubs to win tonight so that the poor doofus who tried to catch the ball lastnight doesn’t get lynched.

Me No Like Frank

I thought everybody loved my two-parter The Demoncrat, but, according to this comment left on the first half, I was wrong:

you suck
you pice [sic] of crap right wing dope
no offence [sic]
Kevin [sick]

And he didn’t leave a real e-mail so I could respond to him on the intelligent points of debate he brought up. Aw fooey.
UPDATE: A reader mentioned that maybe it’s from Kevin Drum. Do the writing styles look the same to you?

In My World: The Demoncrat – Volume 2

Volume 1
At his campaign headquarters, O’Yama, eater of souls and Democratic presidential candidate, sat at his throne and contemplated the destruction he would soon unleash across the world. A lone figure then entered his chamber.
“Announce yourself!” O’Yama demanded, standing to his full height of over nine feet not counting the horns that protruded from his dark helm.
“I’m Terry McAuliffe, the DNC Chairman,” McAuliffe said, “I just want to see if you’re a team player unlike a certain Governor Howard Dean whom I won’t mention.”
“Ask your questions quickly before I become annoyed,” O’Yama answered, his voice subdued but still threatening.
“So… what’s your view on abortion?”
O’Yama clenched his fist and held it up in a threatening manner. “I’m for the killing of all things!”
“Supports a woman’s right to choose,” McAuliffe said to himself as he wrote in a notepad. He looked back to O’Yama. “What are your views on the war in Iraq?”
O’Yama chuckled, his laughter so cold as to chill one’s soul. “Saddam’s torture of his citizens pleased me. I would not have stopped him.”
“Against Bush’s unilateral action in Iraq,” McAuliffe said as he continued to write in his notepad. “So what do you think of affirmative action.”
O’Yama’s eyes glowed a fiery red and then he stated in a ferocious voice, “Mend it; don’t end it.”
“Great, great,” McAuliffe said smiling, “Now, one more question: Under that evil looking armor you have on– you wouldn’t happen to be a minority, would you?”
“I have grown weary of you,” O’Yama announced. He then shot a fireball from his hands which knocked McAuliffe backwards, sending the man crashing through a window. He then fell three stories to the pavement below.
Helping McAuliffe to his feet were Bill and Hillary Clinton. “So how’d it go?” Bill Clinton asked.
McAuliffe brushed off his suit. “I think we can work with him.”

Bush held his sword into the air. “By the power of Grayskull… I… have… the… POWER!!”
“I don’t think it works that way,” Scott McClellan commented.
“Maybe it works this way,” Bush said, and then smacked Scott in the face with the flat of the sword.
“Ow!” Scott yelled, “Why do you keep doing that?”
Bush rolled his eyes. “Because you yelping in pain is funny; do I need to write you a thesis or something?” Bush looked at his enchanted sword, the Crat-Cutter. “Maybe I can unlock its secret if I hold it higher.” He prepared to power up. “Thundercats… HO!!!” he yelled as he plunged the sword skyward, accidentally stabbing the ceiling.
“George!” Laura Bush yelled, “What did I say about using swords in the house?”
Bush quickly concealed the sword behind him. “Uh… be really careful when I do it.”
“No, I said never in the house and you know that,” Laura said sternly, “If your going to play samurai, you do it in the backyard under the supervision of that nice Asian man.”
“But Zatoichi’s blind.”
“And yet he doesn’t cut up the house with his sword.”
“Alright,” Bush answered, and then looked to Scott. “You better go take over your press duties from Rumsfeld.”
“Okay, but I just like you to know, Bush,” Scott said sincerely,” that I have faith in you and that you can save the world from the wrath O’Yama.”
“Thanks, that means a lot,” Bush answered, “I and I have something to tell you too.” He then whacked Scott in the face again with the flat of his sword.
“Ow!” Scott yelled and then ran off.
“I think I’m taking that sword away from you,” Laura said, approaching Bush.
“Stop, foolish woman,” Karl Rove uttered as he emerged from the shadows, “Bush must train to use that sword to slay the evil demon O’Yama or the world will be destroyed thus causing the Republicans to lose Congress and the Whitehouse.”
“Fine,” Laura grumbled as she walked away, “I’ll get some ice ready to put his finger in when we rush George to the hospital to have it reattached.”
“Your training begins now,” Zatoichi announced, standing by the door to the backyard.
“Talk to you later, Rover,” Bush said, “I’m going to be a samurai.”
“May the ancients of the Republican party guide you to victory,” Karl Rove said before disappearing back into the shadows.
Bush went out into the yard with Ichi. He then swung the sword around. “How are you going to tell if I’m doing it right if you can’t see?” Bush asked.
“From the sound of your sword swing, Bush-san, I can tell you are holding it backwards,” Ichi said, “Remember: Blade faces the enemy.”
Bush rotated the sword in his hands. “This katana is complicated,” Bush complained, “So how do I use it’s magical powers?”
“The magic comes from your heart,” Ichi answered, “The sword will strike true if you wield it with honor, truth, and justice.”
“Can I wear a cowboy hat when I do it?” Bush asked excitedly.
Ichi sighed. “Yes, you can wear a cowboy hat.”
“Yee-ha!” Bush exclaimed, “I’m gonna give that O’Yama a samurai sword slaying… Texan style!”

“No more breathing for you!” Rumsfeld yelled as he squeezed the neck of a reporter.
“You can stop strangling people,” Scott told Rumsfeld, “I’m taking back the press conferences.”
“Fine,” Rumsfeld said, releasing the reporter, “My arthritis is starting to act up.”
“Any questions from anyone not strangled?” Scott asked as he took the podium.
“How do you respond to reports that Bush went on some mystic quest to Japan?”
Scott gave a forced chuckled. “Why is it every time Bush disappears without notice for a few days it’s assumed he’s on some ‘mystic quest’?”
“People are saying he’s gained a legendary sword in Japan to slay the Democratic presidential hopeful O’Yama, Eater of Souls,” said another reporter.
“How can you jump to conclusions like that?” Scott responded, “How do you know he didn’t go to India to get a magic spear to slay John Edwards?”
“Well, O’Yama is the frontrunner, and thus he would have more motivation to slay him.”
Scott shook his head. “You people always assume the most partisan reasons for everything.”
“So why has Bush been seen practicing with a katana on the White House lawn?” asked one reporter.
Scott shrugged his shoulders. “He’s always practices with various Asian weaponry; that doesn’t mean anything.”
“So, in the upcoming debate, are you going to guarantee that Bush will not slay any of the ten presidential hopefuls?”
“I think I’ve made things clear on that issue,” Scott answered, visibly sweating, “Doesn’t anyone want to talk about the ‘quagmire’ in Iraq?”

“There are some new rules for this debate,” the moderator said, “We’re going to be more strict about opening and closing remark lengths, please no applause or other interruptions from the audience during the debate, and no eating the soul of the moderator.” The moderator took a careful glance to O’Yama. “I’m not trying to single anyone out, but those are the rules. We’ll now start with the opening remarks, and, by random draw, the first one will be from Representative Dennis Kucinich.”
“Thank you,” Kucinich said, “I just like to say that I will be the candidate of peace. One of my first acts will be to make a Department of Peace that will stop wars and continue the fight against mind controlling space lasers. In fact…”
“Quiet impotent fool!” O’Yama screamed as he aimed his hand at Kucinich. Lightning then shot from O’Yama’s fingertips, electrocuting Kucinich and dropping him to the ground.
“It’s not your turn to speak, O’Yama,” the moderator said gently, “We need to respect each other’s time and not zap each other.”
“You will not tell me what to do, insignificant bug!” O’Yama yelled, his eyes glowing with an even brighter fire as he once again aimed his hand and shot lightning from his fingertips, electrocuting Kucinich and dropping him to the ground.
“I’m sorry to say, but I guess this is what we can expect from O’Yama,” John Kerry said, “I guess he’s too afraid to let others speak.”
“How dare you say that to me, you haughty French-looking Senator from Massachusetts who, by the way, served in Vietnam!” O’Yama shouted, his anger shaking the auditorium, “You will pay for your impudence!” He aimed his hand and shot lightning from his fingertips, electrocuting Kucinich and dropping him to the ground.
“I… cede… the rest… of my… time…” Kucinich uttered as he lay on the ground.
“O’Yama, you are next,” the moderator said.
“Long I have waited in the void, dreaming up the destruction of the world and progressive policies that will curb the might of corporations. When elected, I will bring death, misery, and increased pay for teachers. Finally, the streets will run red with blood, evil will rule the day, and there will be an affordable prescription drug plan for the masses. Fire and lava will consume the land, all with the multilateral support of the U.N. And, not only will I undo the ruinous policies of George W. Bush, I WILL EAT HIS SOUL!”
The entire audience erupted into applause.
“Please, quiet,” the moderator warned, “No applauding during the debate.”
The applause all stopped except for one clapping slowly at the back of the room. Everyone turned to see a man in a cowboy hat.
“Nice speech O’Yama,” President Bush said. He then drew the Crat-Cutter. “Now I’m gonna cut you good!”
“Boo!” the Democrat audience yelled.
“You’re worse than Hitler!” screeched one next to Bush.
“Would Hitler be nice enough to teach you some Japanese?” Bush asked the man. “This is called the ‘kashira’.” He then struck the man in the head with the hilt of his sword.
“Foolish mortal!” O’Yama yelled, “How dare you try and stand up to my might. Witness my power.” O’Yama now held out both hands, lightning shooting from all his fingertips, electrocuting Kucinich and dropping him to the ground.
“You can zap Dennis all you want,” Bush responded, “but you won’t intimidate me!”
“Then try handling this!” O’Yama said as he threw a fireball at Bush. With a swift swipe of his sword, Bush cut the fireball in two, setting people in the audience on fire to each side of him.
“Ha! Ha! You set your own supporters on fire!” Bush mocked.
“We will settle this one on one!” O’Yama shouted, drawing a giant katana that glowed red.
Bush charged the stage and clashed with O’Yama, the other Democrat presidential candidates fleeing for cover. Bush was quick, but O’Yama was powerful, Bush blocking one of his swings only to be knocked backwards. Bush rolled back to his feet and persisted, coming at O’Yama with a quick series of swings. O’Yama easily deflected them, and then attacked. Bush was two slow, and took a cut to his side.
“Ow!” Bush yelled as he stumbled backwards and fell on to his back, “Zatoichi never told me swords hurt so much!”
O’Yama laughed evilly as he slowly approached the prone Bush. “Now your soul will be mine!”
Bush began to panic, and thus he tried to remember what Zatoichi told him at the end of his training. You are an idiot. You will probably lose. I am going to find a bomb shelter to hide in. echoed in Bush’s head. “Guess it’s up to my Texan know-how,” Bush said to himself.
O’Yama posed over Bush, holding his sword over his head to deliver the final blow. Before, O’Yama could, though, Bush sent a quick kick to his groin.
“Arggh!” O’Yama yelled as he crumpled over in pain, “Why did I listen to my political advisor and not wear the codpiece to the debate?”
Bush sprung back to his feet, and, with a quick swing, severed O’Yama’s lowered head. Instantly O’Yama’s body was consumed in a black flame as he disappeared back into the void.
“I saved the world!” Bush exclaimed as he waved his sword around and danced a jig.
The Democrats in the audience all booed.
“I’d like to be the first to condemn this blatant, partisan attack,” Representative Richard Gephardt said.
“It was racist too,” declared Al Sharpton, “Though I haven’t figured out exactly why yet… but I will!”
“Warmonger!” yelled an audience member as the rest continued to boo.
Bush ceremoniously sheathed his sword. “Ah, shut up, you whiny little bitches.”