Sunday Babblings

I am done! I have finished editing my novel to the point I am ready to look for an agent (it is 100,100 words using this method to count and 77,400 according to MSWord). Now I have to write something called a query letter and figure out what agents to try sending it to.
I am about ready to shoot my computer, but it’s really just the operating system. Windows 98 seems to be on its last leg, and I can barely check my mail and open IE at the same time before it claims I’m out of memory. I guess I’m going to have to actually pay ninety freak’n dollars to get Windows XP. While I’m at it, I might as well upgrade the rest of my computer. Everything except for the CPU (a 800MHz Athlon) is pretty modern, so does anyone know a good place where I can buy a chassis with motherboard and CPU already installed so I can just gut this computer and move the parts?
Here is the idiotic comment of the week, courtesy James Wakefield in response to my new hate letter to Michael Moore:

I love Michael Moore. I agree with everything he says and I love it that he is making you disgusting, stupid, haters so angry. As I am not an American it’s easy for me to think that all Americans are power hungry war mongers that want to destroy all of the worlds diverse cultures. Greed and capitalism are taking over, its great to see that there are some good Americans like Michael Moore trying to make a difference for the good of all humans and not just the wealthy with their multiple yachts and mansions.
P.S You are not PROVING anything by just saying someones ideas are stupid; the key to an argument is to actually give a reason for why something is stupid. Maybe if you all thought about issues instead of seeing everything in black and white (or good and evil) you wouldn’t be right wing.
Power to the Prolatarian. -James

There is too much idiocy here for me to respond to it all briefly, including just the general stupidity of responding to obvious satire in this manner (BTW, does anyone know the term for when you say you are not going to mention something, and thus mention it in saying you won’t mention it?), but I will say this: I will make it my job in life to meticulously separate any gray into its base components of black and white. I will always be a simpleton who only sees things in right and wrong no matter how mentally taxing it is.
At the Alliance page, I have a post asking for help to take things to the next level (BTW, did you here of the Alliance propaganda victory?).
Also, here is my vote for the New Blog Showcase. Go check it out.
Go Yankees!