Me Write Good

Michael Z. Williamson (who has a novel called Freehold coming out; it’s my website, and I can plug if I want to) was nice enough to give me some advice on getting my novel published. He pointed me to Baen where at Baen’s Bar (a bboard) I know I have a number of fans of this site. I’ve posted the first four chapters of my novel titled “The Last American” in the Slush Pile and would appreciate anyone interested in sci-fi to give it some critical analysis (that goes in “Slush Comments”). I think I have a good story and a decent writing style, but I would love to hear from others.
UPDATE: I decided that excluding the Prologue was a bad idea, and, though it’s a bit disjointed, I’ve now posted it and Chapter 5 (where the novel starts to get more serious and introduces one of my favorite characters) to the Slush Pile.