Links of the Day

Yeah, I said no Links of the Day™, but here is some quick ones.
Did you think my novel excerpt lacked descriptions? That’s because they were stolen!
The Guaridan paints a bleak picture of things in Iraq. Anyway, there are more letters at Front Line Voices, with more in the pipline to be verified, but we still need more, especially of people stationed there now. If you know anyone over there now, please try and get a letter for us; we want to know how things are not filtered by any biases.

Muckadoo About Nothing

muck-a-doo: n. mindless idiot following those slightly less mindless; especially a left-wing protestor/ranter repeating common, discredited diatribes.

I came up with this term some time ago, but first used it on this site in my second hate letter to Michael Moore. It’s simply a garbling of the second line of the phrase:

Monkey see.
Monkey do.

Anyway, if it already means something else, I’m unaware. Apparently it has greatly agitated John Kusch (linked in the previous post), but, glancing at his blog, he was already pretty agitated before we came along (like many far left these days). Some advice to him: If you rant against a satire site, expect to be called a muckadoo. And, in the future, take it like a man.
BTW, unless someone kills all terrorists soon, this site may be down tomorrow. The Puppy Blender has uncovered a plot by some muckadoos for a DoS attack on Hosting Matters. If you find my site is not working then… well… wait until it works again. I’m not putting up some back up site. If you are relying on IMAO for up to date news information, then God help you.
I’ve got a lot to do tonight, including coming up with tomorrow’s IMW, and I need to have it all done by 9pm since that’s when the season premiere of 24 is on which I plan to watch on my widescreen HDTV which I just finished paying off this month. One of these days I’ll need to get a laptop with WLAN so I don’t have to choose between my computer and my widescreen TV, but such a day is not coming soon since a) money does not grow on trees b) credit card companies apparently expect me to pay them back at some point.
Until we meet again.

Bite-Sized Wisdom: Me Busy, Me Insulted, Terrorists, Fight Club, and Screw You Guys

  • I’m going to have to forgo doing anything other than my regular post each day (no Links of the Day™ and Frank Answers™) for now as I am really busy, both at work and with other activities at home such as working on my novel. Lars Walker, another author who has had Wolf Time, The Year of the Warrior, and the Blood and Judgment which comes out in December all published by Baen, has been nice enough to give me some more advice. Baen seems to be full of great authors who read IMAO.
  • Look at this mindless hating of my rational hating of mindless Bush hatred. Everyone go over there and tell him he’s a muckadoo. Yeah, that’s right; you mess with me you get called some made up term.
  • Demi-crats debated again over the weekend. I’d make a joke about it, but I don’t even think the hardcore Demi-crats even care about these anymore.
  • So the terrorists attacked the Red Cross on their own frick’n holy month. For those of you who are behind the curve, these people are evil. EEEEEEEvil. It would be morally wrong of us not do everything we can to splatter these bastards despite the whining of the hippies. Do you want to have to explain why the terrorists aren’t dead to your children?
    “Daddy, why aren’t the bad people dead”
    “Because of Demi-crats and Europeans.”
  • So, if a suicide bomber is rushing in on a truck, what would Jesus do? I think he’d jump on the hood while firing through the windshield with his .44 magnum.
  • Sorry, that was “What would Dirty Harry do?”. Jesus would probably have some solution where no one gets killed, but everyone has his or her own style.
  • A bunch of liberals have made a Reagan movie and we’re supposed to believe it’s not a hatchet job? I wonder if when they do a Clinton movie are they going to whitewash everything or will the movie only be sold in adult video stores.
  • Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are going to try and solve Middle East problems. That’s almost as silly as sending Carter over to solve things. Anyway, so many people over there already seem to be inspired by the movie Fight Club.
  • Bill Clinton claimed Tony Blair discussed his health problems with him years ago, but Mr. Blair’s spokesman insisted that his irregular heartbeat had never happened before. What!? Bill Clinton said something that’s not true? My whole world has gone topsy-turvy.
  • An influential Lebanese politician says he wished Paul Wolfowitz had been killed in the Baghdad rocket attack. We should kill that bastard. Sure, there is freedom of speech… in America, but everyone else should watch his or her self. We treasure our Wolfowitzes in this country, and don’t like them attacked.
  • John Hawkins has a list of most influential books as picked by right-of-center bloggers. I’ve been more influenced by T.V., movies, and that know it all kid on the playground, so I only had four choices, three of which made the cut. Can you guess which ones?
    Ayn Rand did well. I guess the people voting for her wouldn’t have like that South Park episode about the Chicken-F**ker. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Anyone? Ah… screw you guys.
  • BTW, if I do become a famous novelist, I will no longer talk to you little people. Sorry.