
My computer is back up with Windows XP, but I lost a lot of important files (including all my e-mails) because I’m dumb. Hopefully it won’t crash every few minutes at least…
BTW, that means if you sent me a picture for the Peace Gallery that wasn’t posted yet, I don’t have it anymore and you’ll need to resend it. Excuse me while I go pound my head against the wall in memory of all my lost files.

Sorry, Me Busy

I’m quite busy with other pursuits (rewriting my novel, working on the next shirt idea, and possibly reformatting my computer), so there will be no new post today. Instead, I’ll tap dance for you.
Tappity Tappity tap tap tap…
I forgot to link to the Carnival earlier, so check that out for more bloggy goodness. Also, Blackfive has a great story that doesn’t involve him for a change.
See y’all later.