Fry Mumia

I’ve never really talked about the Free Mumia movement before, but I think there are some reason the movement has never led to real results, and I would list three.
1. His name his Mumia. That sounds like a scary man who might kill you. If he changed his name to Bob, he might get more support. Then his supporters would say, “They’re going to execute Bob!” And people would be like, “I know someone named Bob! I wouldn’t want him executed! How can I help?”
2. His main supporters are weird, Hollywood types. These are the kind of weirdos that normal people don’t want near their children, and thus they aren’t the best choices for vouching for one’s character. If you had Mister Rogers (God rest his soul), then people might listen.
3. This last problem I think trumps all others and that is…
Sorry, I didn’t mean to aim that at you, my readers, but this whole Mumia crap pisses me off much like those who go shake hands with Castro and talk about what a “nice guy” he is.
Paris has now named murder’n Mumia a fellow Parisian, and that’s just it for me. Obviously there is nothing and no one of worth in Paris, and we should bomb it to ash and then pee on those ashes. I still own the URL, and I really need to get a petition to let our representatives know that, if Paris is not bombed, their jobs are on the line.
The other day, O’Reilly had on the wife of Daniel Faulkner, the cop that Mumia murdered, and she talked about how she sent mail to pro-murderer activists like Susan Sarandon offering to go over the court transcripts with them to show that, in fact, Mumia is a goddamn murderer, but they would never respond to her (in fact, the poor woman has been booed my murderer enthusiasts on a number of occasions). O’Reilly, bless his arrogant heart, has vowed to pester and annoy those Hollywood activists to get them to answer for this, and Godspeed to him. I’m always for accountability for numbnuts.

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  1. Sarandon isn’t a free-Mumia goofball; she’s a state murder abolitionist. So she’s cool.
    The rest of these free-Mumia people can bite me; Mumia deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison.

  2. just as a fast fact, i was scheduled to be an official death witness at mumia’s execution. i have the official DOC notification letter, framed, on my office wall.
    i hope some day they will send another, and this time it will go through

  3. Hey, Finn, Sarandon’s a state murderer ABORTIONIST, you yokel, and she is so uncool, she’s a Democrat. Do you like bagels?
    I’ll free Mumia for free. I’ll free him to meet God and those 20 Virginians. A .22 down behind the ear at the jawbone, at about a 32 degree angle. It goes in and rolls around and around…
    These assholes think it’s so cool to “free Mumia” because his name is hard to pronounce. Once they learn how to pronounce it, they join a club, and tell each other how evil “the man” is. Yeah, like Danny Faulkner victimized Mumia by having the audacity to die when that son of a bitch Mumia pulled the trigger.

  4. Let Paris have him. Send Mumia to Paris on the condition tha he can’t leave the city limits.
    As it is, he’s harder to kill where he’s at since PA hasn’t executed a prisoner in something like forever…

  5. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s send Mumia to Paris and then BOMB THE CRAP OUT OF IT! Two birds with one stone (or many bombs). Remember, when you’re in a bad mood, just think, “mushroom cloud over the Eiffel Tower.” It always cheers me up.

  6. Fie on you, Frank J.! Because was taken, I had to settle on …you probably have the rights to,, and, too. I should have known, I should have known…
    Oh yeah, CD, great idea.

  7. Another fast fact: Mumia’s birth name was Wesley Cook.
    You can’t be an intimidating cop-killer with a name like Wesley. Besides, you’d have to change it before you got into prison anyway because “Wesley” means “please gang-rape me” in prison-speak.

  8. The real question is: why is Mumia still breathing? I think it should be policy that once convicted to die, offenders need to be marched out to the town square for the hangin’.
    This appeals crap is wasting time and taxdollars. Taxdollards which SHOULD be going into bombing evil countries. Damn these liberal judges.

  9. Now, really, don’t you know that you can burn your “vital” organs by pissing on the ashes after a thorough bombing? The thing to do is:
    “nuke them ’till they glow and then hunt them at night”!

  10. If someone wants to shoot Mumia with a .22, I’ll volunteer to tape the protractor to his head so that the bullet goes in at the precise 32 degree angle recommended earlier.
    Hmmm… maybe I should use those industrial staples instead.

  11. As an ex-Frenchman (now US Citizen, thank God!), I am deeply and sincerely ashamed and sorry for the members of my family who still live in that second-world shithole in pass of becoming a third-world islamic shithole.
    Please remember that not all French people are anti-American. They don’t have a free press there anymore, and with all the leftist constant brainwashing, they’re becoming seriously f***ed up.
    My 2 cents…

  12. To my previous post, I should add that Americans would do well to study France, and what is going on there very carefully, for the same kind of national suicide is what awaits us if we leave the lefty bastards PC and scums take control. They are already doing a pretty good job.
    Vive les USA, Vive la France libre, Vive Israel! (and I’m not Jewish).

  13. I may be wrong, but I think the cop-killing scumbag had his death sentence overturned a year or two ago. Did you know that he’s given college commencement speeches (via tape or satellite, of course)? Typical of academics in this day and age.

  14. Tim E asked, Why is Mumia still breathing?
    The answer — to no one’s surprise — is FRAWNCE.
    Yep, the FRENCH our good allies and friends.
    Remember Ira Einhorn the “unicorn killer”?
    He was put on trial for the murder of his girlfriend. Then he ran away, so he was convicted of murder in absentia.
    Much later he turned up in FRAWNCE. The FRENCH took their good sweet time to finally extradite him after years of pleading and begging by the U.S.
    They MADE US PROMISE he would get a whole new trial (even though he ran away from the first one, remember) AND that he COULD NOT BE SENTENCED TO DEATH.
    Einhorn was finally extradited last year, found guilty (took the jury less than two hours) and sentenced to life in jail.
    Now here’s the kicker. Both Einhorn and Mumia are in Philadelphia! So now you know why Mumia can never be executed. (“Racism! How can you let a white man [Einhorn] live but execute a black man [Mumia]! You evil fascist Nazi Republican hatemongers, etc. etc.”)
    As far as Frank’s suggestion to Fry Mumia, I’m all for it but with a slight qualification: the oil should still be cold when he is dunked into the vat; then turn on the heat slowly.

  15. Please FRY mumia and the french,no capitalizations are needed as they are both scumbags,remember the french?? who in WW2 dropped their weapons and fled leaving Paris unprotected as they “heard” the Germans MIGHT be coming,what heros they are!!,ya think??. mumia is a racist Pig who killed a cop in cold blood and it pisses me off that hes still above ground,Please go to http://www.Daniel and read the “real” truth,not what the brain-dead mumiaites would have you believe of the animal they worship.Please execute him and stop wasting taxpayers money keeping him and his ilk alive!!.

  16. This is by in large the biggest bunch of aggressive non-thinking douchebags. I wouldnt go as far to call you conservatives. You put the word and what it stands for to shame. If there’s any justice in this world the people who talk about hunting those who glow from nukes will have their genitals ripped apart in a Hannibal Lecteresque fashion so procreation isn’t a possibility.

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