
The Malaysian Prime Minister said that Jews control the world. All this time I thought it was gravity, but, no, it was the Jews! When there was a big uproar against his statements, the PM said that only proved that Jews control the world. It’s good we have Malaysian Prime Ministers to figure things out like that for us.
You probably are wondering why the Jews get blamed for everything and not someone else like the Polynesians. Well, it’s because “Jews” is easy and fun to yell. Try it right now. Just shake your fist in the air and shout, “JEWS!” Isn’t that fun.
And any time you spill ketchup on yourself, drop your pen, or run out of toilet paper, instead of moping there feeling sorry for yourself, it’s a lot more satisfying to shout out angrily, “JEWS!”
Anyway, the Jews do have an overly large influence in the world if you think about it. Why are bagels so good and plentiful in New York City? It’s because of the…
Why is their kosher salt available at the supermarket? It’s on account of…
Ever been called a “schmuck” or accused of having “chutzpah”? People wouldn’t use those words if it weren’t for the…
Seen a synagogue in your town? It’s only there because of the…
I’ve also heard that the Jews killed Jesus (actually, there’s a whole film produced by Mel Gibson coming out about the crucifixion of which the working title is Look What Those Pesky Jews Did!). It seems strange to get angry about that, though, since Jesus came back to life a few days later; no harm, no foul. But did you know that Jesus was Jewish? Maybe Christianity is some big Jewish conspiracy. Ever get annoyed about having to get up early on a Sunday to go to church? Well, it’s because of the…
And what about terrorism? You know why terrorists bomb people? It’s because they’re ignorant murderous, scumbags. But how do they have energy to commit their attacks? Because they eat food. And what do they eat? Goat and lambs. And what’s a female lamb called? It’s called an…
Which sounds a lot like…
Which doesn’t prove anything… but it doesn’t disprove anything either!
And just today, a Jewish coworker of mine had me read an ICD. So I told him, “That was boring! And stop ruling the world by proxy!”
And he said, “No. And don’t forget about the PDR today.”
What’s with all these acronyms in engineering? Must be because of the…
And don’t someone call me an anti-Semite now, because I have no idea what a Semite is. It does kinda sound like something I wouldn’t like, but I can’t be sure.
Oh, if you didn’t like this post, send hate mail to either Meryl Yourish, Laurence Simon, or Eugene Volokh who run the blogosphere by proxy.
And one more thing:

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  1. Our PM will say strange stuff at times,,,,,like some old ninja master that has retired for many years and live in a very secluded part of the woods. He might throw lines like “The force is all around you luke, feel the force”…….wait,,,,,,,my PM didn’ say that, a short green fella did,,,,,,,,,,,well,,,,,,,anyways,,,,,,he means well,,,,,,,,,heck, Malaysia wouldn’t be so modern like it is today,,,,,and i wouldn’t have the ability to pay for my new Volvo X90

  2. Great, I read the God post first and commented…now I realize that, even if you do lead us all straight to hell, the joooos won’t let us in the damned gates (get it, damned gates…I think I’m getting funnier by proxy. Thanks jooooos).

  3. Sure, Susie. I’ll be the guy wearing the sunglasses and camo. Corner of 5th and Walnut, 5:30 tonite. Bring a lot of money, don’t tell anyone you’re going with me, but leave the ewe at home (that could subject my eternal soul to unknown purgatorial retribution).
    Yeah, yeah, I’m, like, Frank J.. Sure Susie…

  4. Frank, I think you’ve got the spelling or maybe pronunciation wrong. Take from a jewboy, it’s “Jee-oos,” not “Joos.” The “Jee” is a very important and powerful tool; with practice you can pull it off with such subtlety that it will have its effect subliminally. Just listen to Peter Jennings a couple of times and you’ll see what I mean.

  5. Right pdotfu. Listen to this.
    Christianity Cjestianw Jestcwi Jescw Jesw Jews
    This is the Bible Code secret real Nazi skinheads have prophesied silently for years. I have seen the pizza speaking brick language. Non-Pakistanis often get colon licorice. The reason every Democrat except for the Jew Lieberman and French-looking, Jewish descent Kerry hates JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS.

  6. This is getting so confusing…there I was, trying to get into Skull and Bones, till I found out that it was the Bilderbergers running every; so, I’m half way to being a plutocratic oppressor of the masses/rapist of the environment and now you guys come along and say its the Jews running everything…heck, I don’t even look Jewish…glad, at least, that I’m already circumcised (and lets thank God for rountine, un-necessary surgical procedures…)

  7. even a democratic congresswoman blamed the joooooooooooooooooooooooooooos when she lost re-election
    We don’t talk about here any more. Never happened.
    “But wasn’t she reelected for like decades and stuff…”

  8. hey, we couldn’t have eaten your dog — it’s not kosher … doesn’t chew its cud or have split hooves…..
    (but you can blame those lacks in the dog on the ewes!!!!)
    where do i stand in line to get my check if we’re controlling the world… or better yet, can i replace the twit running france?
    ewes, ewes, ewes, ewes (sung to loverly spam)

  9. How do you find all of this “JOOSSS” FUNNY? Its not, ohh well yall might be those super nerds that dress like star wars episodes and have wild dreams about fusion power and a protective condom over THE U.S.A… I’d love to go one on one with Frank, no wimpy guns no nohting, just bare nuckles… I’d kick him in the forehead and send him straight to the moon, that is if the US doesn’t blow it up as part of their so called smart strategy… You all are STUPID people, all of us, cool people like surfers hate nerds, and stupid racist bastards like all of you are… And some smart ass might comment on that surfers are known to be pot heads and nothing more well so be it… we will always be cool, and you racist SUPER NERDS will always be BIG TIME LOOSERS… Surfers always get the hot chicks while you other assholes get to play POCKET POOL INFRONT OF THE MONITOR… HAHAHA racist BASTARDS… ID TAKE ON ANY OF YOU WIMPY ASSHOLES ANY DAY ANY PLACE…

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