Meet Tulio

Lou Tulio has taken the time to comment to my last seven posts. Here they are for quick reference (the f-word has been replaced with “bless” and a-holes with “ronin” to make it appropriate to children):

No, unfortunately. Just a dumb-blessed wingnut ronin.
What an unfunny story, nazi pig.
Bless you.
* * * *
You Nazi cultleader, Elvis Limbaugh has feet of clay. Don’t you feel stupid, ronin?
* * * *
Why don’t you all just sign up and go risk your lives in Iraq, chickenhawk blowhard cowards?
* * * *
Unfunny treasonous ronin: you are a scourge on America.
* * * *
Flightsuit Bill Whittle: Airplane mechanic with delusions of grandeur and bloated prose style.
Bless you, Bill Whittle, Nazi puppet.
* * * *
Hey Frank, Treason Apologist:
You’re stupid.
Bless you.
* * * *
Go enlist, blowhards.

Time for pop psychology!
So, is Tuilio’s writing a result of kneejerk anger, or did he think he would accomplish something (I assume it wasn’t to entertain us as actually happened).
And what do you think he meant by treason?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
And just for future reference, no one is allowed to bad mouth Whitler on my site other than myself.

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  1. Anyone who uses the f-word and a-holes so “liberally” must have a strong background in High School lunchroom politics.
    If everyone is happy, you aren’t doing something right. Keep up the good work Frank

  2. I banned him before Misha did! I have the timestamp to prove it!
    I don’t think he took it well.
    Truth be told, I heard reports that he was seen sitting on the floor in the bedroom, turning a light on and off…on and off..on and off.
    Lou, you know, you — I — wait! What the hell–?! My…arm..!
    It’s …being…extended in the…Nazi salute!! By invisible strings–! Must…FIGHT…!
    Lou! You varmint! You sir are the MASTER of the nuanced repartee!!
    Looking forward to seeing YOUR picture, Fat Suit Lou.
    Flight Suit Bill
    Nazi (hee hee! Lou! You are just INCORRIGIBLE!!)Puppet

  3. He can only read enough to heed the “Troll-Free Zone” sign on my Web site. You, Bill, and the Emperor are making me envious because you receive more hate mail than I do!! If he only knew that on Sept. 11, 2001, I wished I were 30 years younger so that I could head straight to a recruiter’s office.

  4. It appears this Lou guy is writing his comments in the “Haiku Mad Lib” form.
    I think I’ll cut and paste some of them in my “Conversations With Leo the Chatterbot” file. Potentially as good as some of my Leo/Kucinich conversations:)

  5. See! It’s fun:
    You: Lou Tulio has taken the time to comment to my last seven posts
    Leo: Lou tulio has taken an eskimo bride to help us.
    You: Lou tulio has taken an eskimo bride to help us?
    Leo: Lou tulio has taken an eskimo bride to help conceal his identity.

  6. Frank has all the fun….

    of altering the content of troll-spewings. Some of them are hysterical. I particularly enjoyed what he made the troll say in this post’s comments, although all of them are very good. I only ever had one troll comment I altered, and I mundanely changed …

  7. Remember the kid in grade school who never got any attention at home? How he acted out just so people would notice him?
    It’s sad, really, to see them when they’ve gotten older. It’s annoying but sad. One can only hope that he doesn’t discover bombmaking.
    Eventually they totally self-destruct, sometimes taking others with them.

  8. Bless Tulio. Bless your Ronin. Bless you. Tulio, you blessed liberal. You don’t know a blessed thing about war… or politics it seems. Just keep spitting your blessed hatred. I know you are reading this because you have little else to do. Bless you.

  9. I’m only in ROTC, but I hope this guy doesn’t go anywhere near me when I have an M16/A2 on me… I just qualified as marksman this weekend (first time shooting it, second time I’ve ever fired a weapon.. the first being a .22 rifle).
    I bet you this guy has never even considered joining the military.

  10. Hey, I feel special! Lou sent me hate mail too! he called me a ‘moran’. I’ve yet to figure out what that is, but it’s hate nonetheless!
    Wow! I’m reeling at the similarities between Frank and myself. We both live in Florida, we both have bad Lou experiences, and although I’m not 100% sure, I’m fairly certain neither one of us has ever groped Ariana Huffington.
    He’s like the cool big brother my parents would never let me have…

  11. I think that you should give tulio a very special part of the site to vent that spleen, and of course let everyone have their way with him? her?.
    Now that would be entertainment.
    Hmm hang on is Tulio a postal worker?

  12. Tullio..hmmm Tullio….definate Italian overtones, yes? Like the Italian sculpter guy?
    The tingly inner joy thing was probably either bad pasta or that draino-esque wine Italians try to pass off as good, when in fact it is only a little better than French wine, which is pretty much chemically identical to old aquarium water.

  13. iowahawk,
    Could you please elaborate on the Desenex and marital aid scenario, as thats sounds, uh…interesting and worthy of further investigation. Purely in the name of science, you know….
    Please disregard the nipplehead comment, as I have been contacted by numerous angry nipples who do not wish to be associated with one such as yourself, or compared to your head. Of course, it may have just been the cold, making them appear angry, but…well..yes, it had to be the cold, you are a nipplehead. Disregard the disregard, and continue to consider yourself as such.

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