Muckadoo About Nothing

muck-a-doo: n. mindless idiot following those slightly less mindless; especially a left-wing protestor/ranter repeating common, discredited diatribes.

I came up with this term some time ago, but first used it on this site in my second hate letter to Michael Moore. It’s simply a garbling of the second line of the phrase:

Monkey see.
Monkey do.

Anyway, if it already means something else, I’m unaware. Apparently it has greatly agitated John Kusch (linked in the previous post), but, glancing at his blog, he was already pretty agitated before we came along (like many far left these days). Some advice to him: If you rant against a satire site, expect to be called a muckadoo. And, in the future, take it like a man.
BTW, unless someone kills all terrorists soon, this site may be down tomorrow. The Puppy Blender has uncovered a plot by some muckadoos for a DoS attack on Hosting Matters. If you find my site is not working then… well… wait until it works again. I’m not putting up some back up site. If you are relying on IMAO for up to date news information, then God help you.
I’ve got a lot to do tonight, including coming up with tomorrow’s IMW, and I need to have it all done by 9pm since that’s when the season premiere of 24 is on which I plan to watch on my widescreen HDTV which I just finished paying off this month. One of these days I’ll need to get a laptop with WLAN so I don’t have to choose between my computer and my widescreen TV, but such a day is not coming soon since a) money does not grow on trees b) credit card companies apparently expect me to pay them back at some point.
Until we meet again.

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  1. —>Some advice to him: If you rant against a satire site, expect to be called a muckadoo. And, in the future, take it like a man.
    Bad choice of words! I think him and his ilk >want—>Some advice to him: If you rant against a satire site, expect to be called a muckadoo. And, in the future, take it like a man.
    Bad choice of words! I think him and his ilk >want< to take “it” like a man! He might take you up on the offer…. Be warned…

  2. FRANK J! I have been reading your site for 0.3 seconds, and I’ve come to the conclusion that your brand of “humor”, or as I call it, “conservative cum rags”, is obviously gay-bashing, unfunny, crap. You pampered right-winger! And since all neo-cons (whatever that is) are obviously evil, due to my impeccable logic, you are evil and so obviously not satirical. Any idiot can see that there is no humor here.

  3. I made a special effort to annoy Muckado-thought-Nazi and have seemed to have succeeded. Not only has he deleted all the comments I made (except the one I just posted 30 seconds ago) but he replied to tell me to stop. What a Muckado. Thanks for the word Frank J, it works wonders.
    May I suggest that we all send annoying comments on a regular basis so he spends more time deleting than posting? It could only be for the common good. Except he’d get more hits…damn.

  4. I’ve been linked to that useless blog before, but it took me a few minutes to figure it out.
    Man those leftie liberals are so self-absorbed. Their writing is so self-centered it’s amazing. Where else can you go and on a page with 4 or 5 entries, find 2 or 3 that just leave you scratching your head, as in “What the HELL are you talking about?!!”
    Damn that’s annoying. And there’s nothing quite as unseemly as a gay person who cannot go 10 seconds in an argument without throwing out the gay-hater card. “Well, I can’t win this argument on intellect, you just hate gays”. There’s some sound logic for you!

  5. What John hasn’t figured out is that most conservatives don’t hate gays, we just hate stupid people. He has clearly demonstrated that he is stupid, hence the hate. But, being stupid, he can’t see that and thus confuses it with gay bashing. (btw, I call that the stupid paradox.)

  6. Concerning John Kusch
    He isn’t doing anything new. I know some of my fellow African-Americans who play the race card all the time.
    It just comes from a victim mentality. It is very annoying; but it should just be ignored as something from a stupid, whining ass who is throwing a childish hissy fit.

  7. Man that Muckado fella is easier to wind up than a spring loaded toy. I’ve been having another crack at him and of course the comments are deleted with super-nerd-like efficiency. How will he ever meet nice men if he stays home all the time? i even used a good name this time – Manuel El Fuego Delamusica – which I now plan to use for each shit stir until I can come up with a longer one.
    Frank he should bow at your altar for the number oh hits you gave him.

  8. h,
    Join our side. We will give you virgins in Paradise when you kill yourself in glorious love for the Prophet. Some of these virgins will even be girls. Yes, hate the American purveyor of porn Jew lovers. Be jealous of their cars and homes. Don’t forget, if it weren’t for Americans, you wouldn’t have anything to commit suicide for. You would not eat sweetmeats and sex the little virgins in Paradise. Here’s a C-4 jacket…have fun.

  9. Hey Kusch breathe,
    Humor is as humor does, stinky. You’re gay. Do I mean gay like in fag, or gay like in happy? Let your humor decide.
    Satire is an intelligence test. You flunk. You stunk. You got funk like a skunk, unc. You be foul like a bird and buzzed like a bee. You be flat like a pop and beat like a cop. Do you want me to stop all this Dr. Seuss slop? Your one neuron brain tries to fight to maintain, but it just cannot make it, it’s so plain you just fake it. So crawl in your hole, and weep for your soul, cause your lefter than left, your wrong when your right. And I’m willing to bet that you ain’t quite learned yet that my bullet will win in your flower boy fight.
    copyright 2003 Ed Asner

  10. Bilbus and Ironhead
    Do you not realize that I’m gay? Therefore all my opinions are at least 16.4 times more valuable than yours. I laugh at your neo-conservative claptrap, and laugh (in a gay manner, of course) at your general direction.
    P.S. Check out my e-mail address.

  11. Advice for bloggers, young and old

    Here’s a gem from Right Wing News — advice from Andrew Sullivan to bloggers on building an audience: John Hawkins: You’re the biggest standalone political blogger out there so I’m sure you’re qualified to give the rest of us some…

  12. I’m neither for nor against gun control. I don’t really care about guns. The point of the comment Eric linked to is that the government has never given gay citizens a fair shake, and the gun issue only creates another opportunity for that unfair shake to be shaken, as it were.
    But I know that if you look at, oh, I dunno — ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY — I’d say the number of societal problems solved by guns are heavily outweighed by the problems caused by guns. But that’s just me having no sense of humor — other peoples’ blood is funny!
    All these words getting stuffed in my mouth. Can’t help but wonder if they’re a metaphor for something else.

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